Health Challenge Stage 4: Spiritual Health
Health Challenge Stage 4: Spiritual Health Here is the fourth stage (July 26 – 31) of the July 2021 Health Challenge… As part of this month’s Health Challenge (July 2021), here are some points of awareness for spiritual health:...

Health Challenge Stage 4: Spiritual Health
Here is the fourth stage (July 26 – 31) of the July 2021 Health Challenge…
As part of this month’s Health Challenge (July 2021), here are some points of awareness for spiritual health:
First and foremost we have to define or agree upon a definition of spirituality before we can investigate ways to pursue and attain spiritual health. In its most simplest notion, spirituality is the recognition that there is something beyond the unit ego. If we take it one step further, the spiritual endeavor grants that human beings have the opportunity to make a link with that all-encompassing force or consciousness that pervades and permeates this entire cosmos.
Here then are some ways to progress on the path of spirituality:
(a) Aim to let go of the notion that you are in control of everything.
(b) Practice deep breathing with a focus on calming the mind.
(c) Do shavasana (corpse posture): Breathe in all the purity and love of the universe, and exhale any and all static energy.
(d) Engage in spiritual chanting that acknowledges and celebrates the Supreme.
(e) Sit in meditation and close the eyes with the clear intention of making a link with the inner world.
(f) Sit quietly in meditation with the sole yearning to go beyond – to experience something more expansive than your own unit self.
Finally, this Thursday’s meditation class (7/29/21) will explore this…..all are welcome.
For more info about this challenge:
Read about Stage One – Physical Health Read about Stage Two – Mental Health Read about Stage Three – Emotional Health