How Kyle Uses Man Flow Yoga to Improve Running, Speed Up Recovery, & Stay Injury-Free (Member Highlight: Kyle R.)
Kyle R., a 52 year old Man Flow Yoga Member, first discovered Man Flow Yoga because he enjoys running, but the constant stress it caused on his joints was starting to take its toll. Particularly on his knees and...

Kyle R., a 52 year old Man Flow Yoga Member, first discovered Man Flow Yoga because he enjoys running, but the constant stress it caused on his joints was starting to take its toll. Particularly on his knees and ankles, but Kyle was also concerned about preventing common running-related injuries like runner’s knee, shin splints, and stress fractures.
Kyle didn’t want to give up his running habit. But he needed to figure out how to make it more appropriate for someone his age, especially when it comes to recovering faster and staying injury-free.
So, after a brutal training period which caused immense stress on his joints, he decided to complement his running routine with yoga. That’s how he found Man Flow Yoga.
But discovering Man Flow Yoga is just the beginning of Kyle’s story. In fact, signing up for Man Flow Yoga, while he didn’t realize it at the time, became his gateway to going through a healthy transformation. More on that in a second… but first, let me explain how Kyle used Man Flow Yoga to improve his running regimen.
How Kyle used Man Flow Yoga to improve his running & unlock a healthy transformation
Kyle was initially interested in yoga’s low-impact nature—the complete opposite training style as running has. Especially for his joints.
And you know what?
Not only has Man Flow Yoga helped reduce his joint pain, but it also helps him prevent joint pain (and other injuries) when he’s running. Ever since Kyle joined Man Flow Yoga, he’s used it to both warm up his body before a run as well as fast track his recovery after his run.
The meticulous attention to detail Dean uses as he explains what you should be feeling in each pose allows Kyle (and thousands of other Members) to follow along to Dean’s workout without watching the screen. Kyle explains, “Dean’s instruction is thorough and unparalleled. You can effortlessly follow his guidance and execute the poses correctly even without constantly watching the screen.”
The result?
Since Kyle can do yoga anywhere, doing a warm up routine before running and a recovery routine after running made him more consistent. And he’s actually felt so much better—physically, and also mentally— and stronger that he decided to take advantage of the Fit Father Project’s offer to the Man Flow Yoga audience.
In the grand scheme of Kyle’s healthy transformation, Man Flow Yoga played a key role not only for the yoga, but also for another crucial step by introducing him to the Fit Father Project, which helps fathers fix their nutrition and learn strength training.
“Surprisingly, yoga became a gateway to my healthy transformation. The breathing and relaxation techniques, along with the focus on strength, flexibility, and mobility had a profound effect [on my health].”
Kyle R.Why Kyle wants you to join Man Flow Yoga
Outside of the workouts, Dean’s meticulous instructions, and the results he’s gotten since he joined Man Flow Yoga, Kyle’s favorite part is interacting with the Members. The Man Flow Yoga Community Facebook group is filled with one of the most supportive groups of people Kyle interacts with. And Kyle wants other like-minded men to join to get support and motivation when they need it—and to help dish it out when others need it.
If you’re looking for a convenient and low-impact way to build your strength, flexibility, and mobility, there’s no better service available than Man Flow Yoga.
Having access to a supportive community of like-minded individuals is just the cherry on top.
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