How To Make The Most Of This Coming Pisces Season, From An Astrologer
Dream on.

Image by mbg creative / mbg creative February 20, 2023 Our editors have independently chosen the products listed on this page. If you purchase something mentioned in this article, we may Aquarius season has officially come to a close, and now, it's time for Pisces to shine. Starting on February 18, we're diving into the emotional waters of Pisces season as we make our final preparations for the astrological new year (and Aries season) on March 21. Here's the astrology behind this year's Pisces season, plus how to work with it, from an astrologer.
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The astrology behind this Pisces season.
Pisces season kicks off on February 18, with the new moon in Pisces just two days later. As astrology expert Imani Quinn tells mindbodygreen, we're still feeling the beneficial effects of all the planets moving direct (AKA none are in retrograde), encouraging all of us to put energy into our goals and manifestations.
"Specifically," she says, "Pisces season is going to be great for dreaming, for creative visualization, and for tapping into your intuition and allowing yourself to explore the astral realm and meditation." After all, Pisces is easily the dreamiest and most whimsical of the signs, offering us a great opportunity to get clear on our literal and figurative dreams.
When Aries season begins next month, then we can focus on taking action. But for now, Quinn explains, the name of the game is dreaming up what you want.
She adds that Pisces is also particularly loving and sensitive, so we may all feel a bit more emotional in the coming weeks—and that is OK. Honoring your emotions and sensitivities is only natural during this watery season.
In terms of important dates to watch out for, here's what to have on your radar:
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How to work with this energy.
This year and during any Pisces season, Quinn says it's a good idea to tap into the power of your dreams and the subconscious. Paying close attention to your dreams during this astrological season can prove to offer you deep insights into your psyche and intuition that you need to know, Quinn explains.
Further, remember that we're winding down the astrological year. We may have just celebrated New Year's in January, but according to the astrological calendar, the New Year really begins with Aries season on March 21.
Use this time now to prepare for the coming of spring and a fresh burst of energy. It may not be the best time to charge ahead and take action, Quinn tells mindbodygreen, but it is an excellent time to first set those intentions. Then, when the energy is right, we'll be ready to move forward.
In the meantime, honor your more sensitive side during this season, and definitely take advantage of that Venus-Jupiter conjunction on March 1. Whether you're single or taken, it's going to be a great day to breathe new life into your romantic life.
The takeaway.
Pisces gets a reputation for being emotional and sensitive, and that is not a bad thing! During these final days of winter in the northern hemisphere, and Pisces season in general, we all have an opportunity to tap into our subconscious, listen to our dreams, and feel what are feelings so desperately want us to understand.
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