How to Stop Shopping Impulsively in 2023: 23 Frugal Tips!
Think back to all of the purchases you’ve made this year. How many of those actually improved your quality of life? For most of us, very few of the many purchases we make actually add value to our lives....

Think back to all of the purchases you’ve made this year. How many of those actually improved your quality of life? For most of us, very few of the many purchases we make actually add value to our lives.
Instead, we are buying things that we think will make us happy, when in reality, material things never will. The best way to ensure that you are spending your hard earned coin on things you actually need is to stop shopping impulsively.
Impulse shopping involves buying stuff on a whim. It can be as innocent as picking up a few extra goodies on an errand run or as serious as making a major purchase without thinking it through.
Impulse shopping to any extent can lead to serious financial stress. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to be more intentional with the things that you buy.
Below are 23 frugal living tips to end the year off on the right note! Stop shopping impulsively by following these frugal minded tips:
1. Don’t Scroll Through Social Media Before Bed
The innocent days of MySpace and AOL are over. Social media platforms are no longer intended for connecting people with one another. They have evolved into full fledged marketing networks. It’s impossible to scroll through social media without being bombarded by advertisements.
Social media ads can be way more effective than traditional ads too. Instead of seeing advertisements full of people you don’t know, you are being targeted by the accounts that you follow and people who inspire you in some way.
For a lot of us, it’s impossible to cut out social media entirely. Do the next best thing! Stop scrolling through social media right before bed.
Late at night is when you are most likely to slip up (just think about the times that you ate healthy all day just to binge out on unhealthy snacks before bed). Avoid social media right before bed so you aren’t tempted to buy something when you are at your most vulnerable.
2. Avoid Shopping Online
Shopping online is the easiest way to find yourself shopping impulsively. By shopping online, you are significantly cutting down the time and energy it takes to make a purchase. Instead of having to go to a store, pick something out and then purchase it, you are able to shop from the comfort of your own home.
You are also exposed to way more marketing when shopping online. When brands sell clothing online, they are not only selling you an article of clothing, they are selling you a lifestyle too. Brands want you to think that if you buy their clothes, you will transform into the models featured on their website.
When you are shopping in person, you are able to see the clothing on a hanger, try it on and realize that changing your clothes won’t change you. This will keep you from making an impulsive purchase with the notion that it will turn you into the fantasy version of yourself.
3. Connect Your Bank Account to a Budget App
Budgeting is crucial if you want to stop shopping impulsively. Fortunately, there are many apps out there to make it super easy for you. The most popular is Mint.
Mint categorizes all of your purchases, making it simple to track what you are spending most of your money on. It is also completely automatic. All you need to do is connect your credit card to the app and Mint will do all of the tracking for you.
By seeing what you are spending your money on, it will help you notice any areas for improvement. You will be able to tell very quickly if shopping impulsively is getting in the way of your financial goals.
4. Avoid Shopping the Sale Section
Avoiding the sale section is an easy way to limit your impulsive spending. It’s easy to justify a purchase if it’s discounted, even if it wasn’t one you were planning on making.
When you buy an item of sale, you are spending money that you wouldn’t have spent, on an item you wouldn’t have purchased. Don’t let the brand make your shopping decisions for you!
5. Set Saving Goals
Setting financial goals for yourself is a great way to save money. Challenge yourself to save a certain amount every month and hold yourself to that goal. Getting your loved ones involved is a great way to keep yourself accountable as well.
Start a no shopping challenge with your friends or create money saving goals with your partner. It will be easier to stop shopping impulsively with the support of your loved ones (especially since they won’t be impulse shopping either!)
6. Find Free Ways to Reward Yourself
When you’ve hit your monthly money saving goal, a great way to keep yourself on track is to reward yourself. Instead of rewarding yourself by buying something, try and find a free way to reward yourself.
Go out on a solo date or have a self care day! Read more about my favorite ways to date myself here!
7. Avoid Shopping for Your ‘Fantasy Self’
Stop shopping impulsively by avoiding buying things for your ‘fantasy self’. We all have a version of ourselves that we strive to embody. Maybe this person goes out on the weekends or lives a nomadic lifestyle. Whoever this person is, it’s important not to shop for them but to shop for things that you’ll actually need.
If you work from home, there is no need to fill your closet with blazers and slacks even if you love office wear. If you don’t go swimming very often, there is no reason to own a bunch of swimsuits even if you have dreams of living by the beach. Shopping for things that you actually need vs things that you wish you needed will help you shop less so you can save more!
8. Audit Your Closet
The best way to figure out what you’re actually wearing vs what you only wish you were wearing is to audit your closet.
Below are the steps you should take to do a full closet audit!
Reorganize! Set aside a portion of your closet to hang things that you are actually wearing throughout the week.
At the end of the week, take a look at all of the items that are hanging in that section of the closet. You’ll find that you were wearing a lot of the same things throughout the week.
Continue this for the duration of the month. At the end of the month, take all of the things that you didn’t wear and store them away.
For the next few months, try and only wear the things that you have in your closet. You’ll find that you’ve forgotten about the items that you stored away. If there is something that you want to wear but you’ve put it away, don’t stress it! Simply add that item back to your closet.
After a few months, take some time to look at all of the items that are still stored away. Unless they are seasonal items, recognize that you weren’t wearing them and should not buy similar items again. Being aware of the things that you aren’t wearing will keep you from buying more of them impulsively!
Did doing a closet audit inspire you to embrace a minimalist wardrobe? This complete guide will help you create and maintain a minimalist closet!
9. Follow the 30 Day Rule
The 30 day rule is simple! Before you buy something, wait 30 days to make sure that you really want it. This will ensure that it isn’t an impulsive purchase.
I recommend having a wish list on your phone with items that you are wanting to buy. Track the date that you first decided you wanted that item as well! That way, you can make sure you waited the full 30 days before finally buying it.
10. Host Clothing Swap Parties
The hardest thing about not shopping impulsively is never having fun, new clothes to wear. As someone who loves fashion, wearing the same thing every day can get stale.
Hosting clothing swap parties is a great way to add fresh clothes to your closet without needing to buy anything new!
Have your friends go through their closets and gather all of the clothing that they are no longer wearing. At your next get together, have everyone swap! It’s such a great way to get some fresh pieces in your closet and even try a style you never would have.
11. Do Not Get Rid of Clothes Impulsively
For the same reason that you don’t want to shop impulsively, you should also avoid getting rid of clothes impulsively. It’s no secret that decluttering your closet will make you feel like a weights been lifted. However, taking the time to make sure that you are only getting rid of things you won’t need will save you a lot of money in the long run. As tempting as it may be to get rid of everything, don’t!
12. Follow the One in One Out Rule
The one in one out rule means that for every article of clothing that you bring into your closet, you need to get rid of an article of clothing too. This rule will help you think through your purchases and stop shopping impulsively since you’ll know that you will need to get rid of something you have if you do.
13. Create a Wish List
Creating a wish list is a great way to manage your spending. Instead of just buying something impulsively, first add it to a wish list! Next holiday season (or birthday) suggest that your friends and family get you something off of the list.
14. Share New Purchases With Someone You Trust
Shopping impulsively can easily become an addiction, and like any addiction, it is important to have trusted people in your life involved in your journey to quit. Sharing the purchases you make with someone can help keep you accountable.
When I decided that I wanted to take control of my spending and stop shopping impulsively, I would share all of the purchases I made with my partner. It was embarrassing initially and definitely shed light on my problem, but over time, the spending subsided and it was thanks to his support.
15. Start Saving For Something Specific
Is there something you’ve always wanted but could never afford? Start saving with that thing in mind. Whether it is a trip you’ve always wanted to go on, a car or an article of clothing, having something specific you are saving for will keep you motivated to stick to your goal.
16. Know Your Why
If you aren’t saving for something specific, still take the time to figure out your why. Why are you choosing to stop shopping impulsively? Is your goal to have more financial freedom, strengthen your relationships or work less? Whatever that goal may be, make sure and reflect on it.
17. Share Your Saving Goals
Share your saving goals with that trusted person in your life! They will help keep you accountable which is often the hardest part of quitting a bad habit!
18. Avoid the Mall
Avoiding the mall is the best way to stop shopping impulsively. Avoid places where there are tons of different stores and many opportunities to find yourself wanting things you weren’t intending to see at all. The mall is a very tempting spot for shopaholics. Go to a stand alone store instead!
19. Unsubscribe From the Mailing List
Unsubscribing from mailing lists is a great way to ensure that your inbox stays temptation free. Brands will often send their subscribers exclusive deals and sales to keep them at the front of their mind. By unsubscribing, you are ensuring that those brands aren’t able to market to you through your email.
20. Audit the Influencers You Follow Online
Take a look at the influencers you follow online. Do they inspire you to be a better version of yourself or do they make you feel like you aren’t good enough? Are they selling you an expensive lifestyle or are they encouraging you to live with less? The influencers you follow can make a huge difference in your spending habits so make sure you follow ones that align with your goals.
21. Seek Out Minimalism Inspiration
Finding books, movies and music that inspire you to live more minimally is a great way to stop shopping impulsively. We absorb so much media on a daily basis. Try and make that media inspiring. Find books to read, movies to watch and music to listen to that inspire you to live with less. Need some inspiration? Here are the best songs about minimalism to keep you on track!
22. Think About Your Last Purchase Regret
Thinking about your last purchase regret can help you make a better money decision now. Think about that purchase and how much you spent on it.
How much of your time did you need to give up in order to make that purchase that you now regret? Think about how much you make an hour and how many hours of your time you needed to work in order to purchase that item that you never use now. Reflecting on this might help save you from shopping impulsively again!
23. Practice Gratitude Daily
One of the reasons we shop too impulsively and buy too much is that we spend a lot of time thinking about all the stuff we wish we had.
Take some time each day, even for just a few minutes, and look around your room being grateful for the things you have. Because when we intentionally shift our focus to the things we have, we are less likely to focus on the things that we don’t have.
To Wrap It Up
Does it feel like no matter how much you work, you can’t seem to stay on top of your finances? The problem may not be how much money you’re making, it may be the rate at which you spend it.
If overspending and shopping impulsively is getting in the way of accomplishing your financial goals this year, it may be time to reevaluate your habits. The 23 frugal living tips above will help you stop shopping impulsively so that you can take control over your financial freedom!
About the Author: Barefoot Minimalists is a blog packed with tips, ideas, guides and suggestions for everyday people who want to live a more natural life with less. Whether you are just starting your minimalist journey or learning to sustain it, this blog is for you!