HSF adds to Asian capital markets team

The law firm announces the recruitment of Xavier Amadei to its Singapore-based capital markets practice.

HSF adds to Asian capital markets team

The law firm announces the recruitment of Xavier Amadei to its Singapore-based capital markets practice.

February 22, 2022

London-headquartered law firm, Herbert Smith Freehills, yesterday announced the addition of Xavier Amadei to its Singapore-based capital markets team

Amadei, who moved to Hong Kong in 2008 and subsequently to Singapore with Linklaters in 2014, will commence his new role as US securities partner from 28 February He was most recently a partner in the city-state at Baker McKenzie

He brings to the firm significant experience in equity, equity-linked and debt offerings, across rights issues, block trades, green bonds, high yield note offerings and other financial instruments

The company announcement details Amadei’s appointment as adding US capability to the firm’s Southeast Asia, India and Australia coverage, as well as enhancing the firm’s...

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