I Love My Kids, But…

Hallie Bateman is an author and illustrator based in Cincinnati, Ohio. Her next book, a collaboration with her mom called What To Do When You Get Dumped, comes out in 2025.… Read more The post I Love My Kids,...

I Love My Kids, But…

I know the pressure to work (not to mention economic need) and the judgement is real. And, I think it can also be felt in the opposite direction. I went back to work after six months home with my first, and feel immense amount of pressure to continue working or else be viewed as not having career aspirations/progressive sense of fulfillment. I love my job…and I feel the pull away from consulting to be home for a season. As I start to make plans to wind down with existing clients, I catch myself wanting to justify it with “but I still like the work” or “my husband isn’t pressuring me, it’s my choice” like it’s less than or backwards or even simply a shame for me to be home.

I want women to have the choice either way. In the (necessary) push to make it an unjudged thing that women can work outside of the home and be committed mothers, I worry we sometimes assume it’s what all women at home want too/the right way to be fulfilled.

Love the comic, I’m not disputing it at all. Just bringing in a perspective on the pressure I feel from the other side of the coin.