“I see the Buddha as a human being…” Reflections on the Buddha, his Teachings and the Ceremony of Vesak
As we approach Vesak celebrations at Plum Village Centers, we share this beautiful video made last year which explores what the Buddha means to four monks and and nuns.

On May 15th 2022, residents of Plum Village Monastery in France will celebrate the holiday of Vesak which commemorates the life and enlightenment of the Buddha. We took this opportunity to ask some of the monks and nuns at Plum Village how they relate to the Buddha and the ceremony of Vesak.
Reflections on the Buddha, his Teachings and the Ceromony of Vesak (11:29)More Offerings Related to Vesak
Sitting with the Buddha
Connect with the Buddha with this guided meditation from Thay.
Malam Suci Waisak (The Holy Vesak Night)
Plum Village choir came together to record the Indonesian song Malam Suci Vesak (The Holy Vesak Night), as an offering our the Indonesian friends around the world for Vesak day (May 26, 2021). This was sung in four parts. This is a song that is commonly sung in Indonesia on Vesak day to commemorate the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and passing. The English translation is provided in the song. Enjoy!