Inspiration in Colombia and Mexico

This month saw inspiring events in Colombia and Mexico. KMC Colombia welcomed the new Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Atisha, with a very special course, attended by over 100 people and KBC Drolma in Chiapas, Mexico celebrated their 30th anniversary...

Inspiration in Colombia and Mexico

Inspiration in Colombia and Mexico

This month saw inspiring events in Colombia and Mexico. KMC Colombia welcomed the new Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Atisha, with a very special course, attended by over 100 people and KBC Drolma in Chiapas, Mexico celebrated their 30th anniversary with National Spiritual Director Gen Kelsang Sangden.

Welcoming a new resident teacher in Colombia

On Saturday, February 17, KMC Colombia welcomed the new Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Atisha with a very special course, attended by over 100 people.

In his first teaching in Bogota, Gen Atisha gave special teachings on how to deal with the adversities we all face in our everyday lives, and gave transmission of the heartfelt advice from Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso on how we can improve our attitudes and cultivate wisdom in the face of difficulties.

With this course, KMC Colombia enters a new and very auspicious stage in their development. The entire Colombian Sangha gives thanks for the kindness of our Resident Teacher and our precious Spiritual Guide, Venerable Geshe-la. May holy Kadam Dharma grow in the hearts of all Colombians and spread throughout our country, South America and the entire world.

Visit of Gen Sangden to Chiapas On the 30th anniversary of Kadampa Buddhism in Chiapas