Life-Changing Lessons Are In The Air This Week, Astrologers Predict
They just might require some tough inner work.

Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.
Graphic by mbg creative x Ani Dimi / Stocksy November 19, 2022 Is there unity in your community? That's a big question to ask this week, according to the AstroTwins' horoscope.
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This Tuesday, December 22, the Sun bursts into horizon- broadening Sagittarius for a month, celebrating the differences that make us all dynamic.
“Anywhere but home” always seems like the ideal destination for Sagittarius season—and with Mercury and Venus mingling and jingling in Sagittarius all week, the invites could pour in from far-flung friends. Quick, tell your crush that you’ve caught feelings! Authenticity is an aphrodisiac under these skies.
If you’re coming out of left field, however, don’t expect an immediate response. The object of your affections might need a minute to let this information settle in. Long-term couples can spice things up with an evening adventure or a one-night staycation. Though this transit is a brief one, a change of scenery—like a night at a boutique hotel or a starlit stroll to pick up dinner from a new restaurant—can create a delicious memory that gives you juice for days.
Another prompt to reach across borders comes on Wednesday, with the year’s only new moon in Sagittarius.
Better yet? Shortly after the exact new moon occurs, worldly Jupiter—the ruling planet of Sagittarius—wakes up from a four-month retrograde. That’s double the incentive to switch to a wide-angle lens, like, immediately! What are the kids doing in Sao Paulo, Savannah, and Seoul? Searches could turn up virtual connections—and there’s no telling what these will evolve into.
This flurry of Sagittarius energy brings a burst of “cosmic capital” for start-up initiatives. Entrepreneurs, take time to set some early 2023 intentions. What benchmarks would you love to achieve by the corresponding full moon in Sagittarius on June 3, 2023? Consider Wednesday your official launch pad. Take an action to move the needle, now!
Is it time to mend fences? With Jupiter doing its about-face in Pisces, the sign of compassion and forgiveness, you might squeeze in a heart-to-heart before Thanksgiving. With the galactic globalist in reverse since July 28, it took some heavy lifting to not fall prey to doom and gloom. If you’ve been fighting the demons of denial, discouragement, and a depressing point of view, hope resumes. But stay in the healing process. The red-spotted planet will be submerged in Pisces’ deep waters until December 20.
The next four weeks are optimal for tackling trauma, metabolizing grief, and getting in tune with the full spectrum of feelings. This doesn’t have to rain on your holiday season parade.
Philosophical Jupiter in Pisces illuminates life-changing lessons and passes out shiny gold stars to everyone who is willing to do the tough inner work. ‘Tis the season for artists, musicians, and creatives to flourish. Deck the halls with handmade treasures—and if you tap into Jupiter’s enterprising vibes, who knows? You could soon be taking orders from worldwide customers via Etsy!
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