Love Will Be In The Air This Week, Astrologers Predict: Here's Why
The Leo new moon opens hearts and lifts voices.

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Self-expression is the name of the game this week as the annual Leo new moon fills the sky. Here's what to expect, from The AstroTwins.
This Monday, July 25, big-talking Jupiter in Aries locks into a tangled angle with Venus in guarded Cancer.
People might talk a good game, but can they back up their swagger with action? While these benefic planets have a strict “no negative vibes” policy, their rose-tinted outlook makes everyone a little gullible. To avoid being a victim of this hustler’s holiday, don’t take people’s promises at face value.
Googling that Hinge hottie doesn’t have to burst your bubble. Ideally, background checks will make you more confident about pursuing a shared future. Even solid relationships require periodic reviews. Schedule a sit-down under today’s diplomatic skies to make sure you’re operating from a level playing field. Leave ample time for the conversation so you can talk through any uncomfortable truths that arise. Getting things out into the open is always better than sweeping them under the rug.
Need to restore your roar? Fierceness returns with a vengeance this Thursday, July 28 (at 1:54PM EDT), as the annual new moon in Leo plugs us into our own personal power grids.
Self-expression is the order of the day, especially since this new moon forms a free-flowing trine to Jupiter (retrograde) in Aries. No more bottling up your authentic style or telling people what they want to hear at the expense of your inner truth. Go back and clue others in (lovingly, please) if they missed any of your memos. Does the “problem” lie within your presentation? If your messages keep getting lost in translation, get to work on your branding. The Leo new moon traffics in first impressions, which begs the question, how do you want to shine in the world? Do one thing to put your talents on display or draw attention to your gifts. Permission to graciously self-promote? Granted!
Romantically, the Leo new moon opens hearts and lifts voices. If you’ve been suppressing your loving feelings, just wait! They could come rushing out before you can stop them—especially since candid Jupiter in Aries is in a supportive sync-up.
You may decide to pump the brakes in other areas of life on Thursday, as bountiful Jupiter flips into its annual four-month retrograde, putting a halt to fast-moving progress.
The red-spotted planet has been speeding through daring Aries since May 10, inspiring everyone to dive into new adventures. By now, your head may be spinning from all your discoveries! Before an exhilarating ride turns into a collision course, make a pit stop. Utilize this forced slowdown to analyze early results. Are you progressing in the right direction? Making the impact you hoped to? Ask for honest feedback (and don’t get mad if people don’t tell you exactly what you want to hear). Advance notice: On October 28, retrograde Jupiter backs into Pisces, drawing a more spiritual and creative dimension into all these plans. You might even take a pilgrimage then to learn about a lost art or to get in tune with a deeper realm of your own imagination!