National Dharma Celebration in Brazil 2022
After a 3-year wait since the last gathering at the Brazil Temple for the National Festival, this year people from all over Brazil reunited with old friends to receive profound blessings and teachings, enjoy working and laughing together and...
"During this 5-day Festival, Gen-la Kelsang Jampa granted the empowerment of Buddha Avalokiteshvara and gave teachings on the book The Mirror of Dharma, while focusing on all the practices contained in the sadhana entitled Avalokiteshvara Sadhana, and always reminding us the importance of relying upon the Spiritual Guide and receiving blessings to attain all the realizations of the path.
"To complete this blessed event, Gen Mudita, Brazil's National Spiritual Director, guided a retreat to take these teachings into the heart.
"We deeply thank Geshe-la who has provided us with everything: a blessed Temple, qualified teachers, immaculate teachings, Dharma Festivals and wonderful spiritual friends, who help us in our daily practice."
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