Opening the Doors – Everybody Welcome!
Open days at Dharma centres are opportunities for more people to discover their local Centers. Recently KMC Wales and KMC Montreal held popular open days, enjoyed by visitors and Dharma centre students alike.

Open days at Dharma centres are opportunities for more people to discover their local Center. Recently KMC Wales and KMC Montreal held popular open days, enjoyed by visitors and Dharma centre students alike.
KMC Montreal's doors are always open, but an Open House event is a particularly special opportunity for many people to discover what is inside the Center.
This Thursday, September 21, from 4:30pm to 8pm, about fifty people stopped by to taste meditation, meet the community and enjoy delicious snacks, despite the numerous construction on the street.
During the brief introduction to the Center, Guèn Chögyan shared how the Center is a place to rest our minds, and that by coming to this place of outer refuge, we learn to build in our hearts our own inner refuge.