Picturesque away retreats in January

Some centers organized away retreats in January, giving their students an outer break as well as an inner break. Enjoy these beautiful places with the students of KMC Trois Rivieres in Canada and KMC Merida in Mexico.

Picturesque away retreats in January

We had a wonderful retreat at Sainte Beatrix with our Resident Teacher, Kelsang Tsulma. We meditated on how to pacify anger with patient acceptance, welcoming whole-heartedly whatever arises, having given up the idea that things should be other than what they are, as well as honestly contemplating our attachment to the fulfillment of our own wishes, the source of so many disagreements and conflicts.

We really enjoyed meditating together on love and compassion, reducing any kind of judgment or criticism deep in our hearts. We had some great questions and answers about many topics like what to do when anger turns against ourselves.

The silence, calm and tranquility, with only the sound of birds on the trails around the lake, made for some great hiking on sparkling snow, and glorious sunshine.

Thank you all for the laughter, delicious meals and great conversation! Most of all thank you to our Founder, Venerable Geshe-la, for all the practical tools and instructions he has given us to help us pacify our delusions.