PLF timeframe for England arrivals extended to three days

Travellers previously required to complete form within 48 hours

PLF timeframe for England arrivals extended to three days

The timeframe for completing the Passenger Locator Form prior to arrival in England has been extended from 48 hours to three days.

The government had previously indicated the window for completeing the PLF would be extended by a day before the end of February, and an update issued on Monday (February 28) confirmed the change would be in effect from 9am.

A similar update issued for cruise passengers disembarking in or returning to the UK confirmed the form could now be completed up to three days before boarding a cruise if the cruise lasts 19 days or less, or during the cruise if it lasts longer than 19 days.

The Passenger Locator Form has been criticised by many within the industry as a deterrent to travel and booking, with calls for it to be removed entirely as restrictions are eased.

Recent reports suggested transport secretary Grant Shapps is keen to see its removal ahead of the Easter holidays, and prime minister Boris Johnson confirmed it would be reviewed  before then.

Weekend reports also suggested health secretary Sajid Javid backed its removal.

However, aviation sources said the form will remain necessary as long as proof of vaccination status is required to enter the UK.

Advantage Travel Partnership Julia Lo Bue-Said tweeted: “Seems pretty irrelevant in the scheme of things, however from today the PLF can now be completed up to three days before arrival into UK. Giving everyone a little more time is a help, but not the solution to getting rid of it all together.”

Photo: Thaspol Sangsee/