Seeking Inner peace at KMC Barcelona
In the annual Refuge retreat guided by Gen Lochani at the KMC in Barcelona the students have been able to savor that the best way to love oneself is to enter the path of Buddhism, for our own sake...

"Thanks to the deep reflections our Guide has given to us, we can understand that if we lose our happiness, we lose everything. If we lose our peace, we lose everything we strive for every day.
"Nowadays our fears totally control us. And our delusions make us mistrust our potential, our ability. This fear robs us of self-confidence, and so we believe that we cannot overcome difficult situations.
"If we allow our mind to be uncontrolled and continue to perceive things through the distorted glass of attachment, hatred and ignorance, nothing will give us peace, nothing will be a source of refuge. Everything will disturb us and cause us great pain.
"This was a truly inspiring weekend with over 100 people sharing the same vision of our Spiritual Guide. How wonderful!"