Silencing Sedona Tourism – Visit Sedona Fights Back
by: Juergen T Steinmetz | There are a lot of similarities between Sedona and Hawaii Tourism. State-funded tourism boards promoting those destinations are forced to do the opposite – not promote. The Sedona Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau...

by: Juergen T Steinmetz |
There are a lot of similarities between Sedona and Hawaii Tourism. State-funded tourism boards promoting those destinations are forced to do the opposite – not promote.
The Sedona Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau had enough of getting funding cut and being forced to remain voiceless when wanting to promote tourism.
Sedona Tourism has always been outspoken. In 2019 Sedona officials said AIRBNB was killing our city.
On Monday, they cut ties with the City of Sedona after the Sedona Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau (SCC&TB) Board of Directors voted unanimously not to renew its tourism contract with the city.
The interest of public officials is the interest of local voters. Re-election is front and center, but no long time outlook.
Many residents, especially those that recently moved to Sedona to enjoy the tourism infrastructure, may not fully understand that tourism is not only fun but also a business – however of course they vote for city officials.
Destinations such as Sedona or Hawaii rely on tourism income, making this sector everyone’s business. Even if you’re not a natural part of the business, indirectly, the entire population, in one form or another, relies on tourism.
Michelle Conway is the President and CEO of the Sedona Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau. She is responsible for supporting the many businesses and jobs, relying on the mighty tourism dollars.
Her organization took an unusual and brave step in saying, enough is enough.
The Sedona Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Bureau thinks they can promote Sedona tourism better without the city and by working only with its members.
She talked to eTurboNews today and explained why her organization cut ties with the City of Sedona. Her organization is no longer interested or can rely on bed taxes and other public revenue.
The Sedona Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau is looking for a voluntary solution for businesses in this small town with millions of visitors.
The chamber cannot continue to allow the city to micromanage its activities.
“The city has been on our case and has not treated us like other non-profit entities, such as the public library or the humane society for example.”
Picterous Sedona is known for outdoor recreation, lovely accommodation, excellent restaurant, and many outdoor activities.
While most tourism destinations collapsed during the COVID pandemic, Sedona had its best years in 2020/21. The city faced challenges during COVID-19 overcrowding, environmental concerns, and resource management.
In a press statement released today, SCC&TB Board Chair Jennifer Perry explained. “At the same time, our economies depend on tourism, and we compete with other destinations for the tourism dollar.”
It’s important to know for our visitors that Sedona is ready to welcome them while expecting courtesy that honors our environment and lifestyle. It is time we reinvite visitors while placing responsible recreation front and center.”
Jennifer Perry, Sedona Tourism Board Chair
We can no longer allow the City of Sedona to silence our call for visitors and not allow us to promote this beautiful travel and tourism destination.
Sedona’s ‘Respect Red Rock Country’ tips are among many tools offering visitors practical instructions and education, she said.
“As the region’s only certified Destination Management and Marketing Organization, the SCC&TB needs the ability to fully implement best practices that support a sustainable Sedona, and that includes fostering a sustainable economy,” said SCC&TB President and CEO Michelle Conway.
“Our business community relies on us to properly position the Sedona brand in the marketplace,” she added. “Competing destinations aggressively promote themselves in travel markets such as Chicago, New York, and Southern California, while Sedona has been voiceless.”
In recent years, the Council and Chamber have differed on tourism approaches, mainly when and how to market to attract longer-staying, higher-spending visitors strategically.
The Council declined to fund destination marketing in the last two fiscal years.
“In-state Arizona visitation surged during the pandemic as people sought the outdoors, which produced more traffic and trail congestion and caused the Council to pause destination marketing,” Conway said.
Full article: Silencing Sedona Tourism – Visit Sedona Fights Back
Copyright: eTurboNews – Travel Industry News – World Travel News
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