These 3 Healthy Habits Are Like Spring Cleaning For Your Gut Microbiome
Three healthy habits, recommended by a gastroenterologist.

Spring cleaning season has arrived, and I've already donated old clothes, reorganized my drawers, and dusted all of the previously neglected nooks and crannies of my apartment. As soon as I accomplished all of that, I started wondering what other environments I could help restore (once I'm in my cleaning mode, it's hard to break me out of it!). Since all of the external spaces were in order, I decided to go internal.
The first stop: my gut microbiome.
Now, my mission to "spring clean" my gut had nothing to do with a cleanse or diet—I simply wanted to take stock of my current habits and see how I could better optimize them. For a little inspiration, I turned to advice from gastroenterologist Niket Sonpal, M.D. Here are three gut-friendly habits he prioritizes.
1. Paying attention to nutrition.
Sonpal previously told me that he plans to be more mindful of his own food choices by following a 16:8 intermittent fasting regimen and incorporating more probiotics, prebiotics, and antioxidants into his dishes. Here's what that might look like:
2. Moving every single day.
The overarching stress of "having to work out" actually discourages most people from doing it. Rather than putting so much pressure on it, Sonpal reminds us that "you can get a 20-minute workout at home, every day." No need to worry about getting yourself to the gym or blocking out an hour (or more) on your schedule.
Rather than setting lofty fitness resolutions, Sonpal recommends simply committing to daily movement. Going for a walk, taking a few downward dogs, or playing recreational sports are all effective ways to sneak in exercise.
Since I prefer being guided through my workouts, I'm partial to mindbodygreen's mbg moves series, which highlights different trainers teaching super effective workouts—with everything from HIIT to Pilates and even dance cardio.
Though the stress hormone cortisol has its benefits, "too much of a quote-unquote good thing, is not such a good thing," he states. And because gut health and mental health are so interconnected, limiting stress may support healthy digestion, promote regularity, and ease bloat.
"Exercise, yoga, therapy, mental health exercises, sex—do whatever it is that you need to do to reduce that emotional burden," Sonpal advises.
Spring cleaning can encompass more than just your living environment. Take stock of the things that will help declutter your mind and your body, too. For me, that looks like adopting these three gut-friendly habits, as recommended by Sonpal.
If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medications, consult with your doctor before starting a supplement routine. It is always optimal to consult with a health care provider when considering what supplements are right for you.