Your April 2022 Astrology Forecast Is Here and Cosmically It’s Action-Packed
The April 2022 astrology forecast is looking like some bright and shiny cosmic weather! Aries season is filled with passion and energy. And as we’re in full swing of this first fiery season in the zodiac, we are still...

The April 2022 astrology forecast is looking like some bright and shiny cosmic weather!
Aries season is filled with passion and energy. And as we’re in full swing of this first fiery season in the zodiac, we are still celebrating the new astrological year!
This period of rebirth and renewal carries through all month, making April one of the most abundant of the year! This is also the final month that all planets will be direct (no retrograde planets) for much of the rest of the year.
Open up and declare what you want. And then make space to receive it.
With all planets direct through the end of the month, the time is now to take inspired action. The energy this month is fiery, confident, playful, and driven.
Read on to discover the themes of this month and how you can best work with them.
The Astrology of April 2022
There’s so much cosmic magic going on this month that will expand you past your comfort zone, in the best way! But with all expansion, inevitably comes necessary contraction. Which is what we’ll experience at the end of the month with Pluto retrograde.
We’ll get into that, but first, let’s talk about the new moon in Aries!
Aries New Moon 2022
Not technically in April, the Aries new moon on March 31st was the new new we were waiting for. The fresh energy that was sooo needed after a long winter.
The Aries new moon is the moon of all moons for manifestation as it represents fertility and new life.
The next two months are ripe for creation, and this new moon is encouraging you to ask the universe for what you want and move towards it with confidence. Closed mouths don’t get fed, honey! And Aries is anything but quiet. So open up and declare what you want. And then make space to receive it.
You’ve got this! Make it happen!
Interested in learning more about Aries? Here Is Your Complete Guide to the Aries Zodiac
Libra Full Moon 2022
April’s full moon on the 16th is going to place major focus on your relationships.
Full moons are a time of release – a deep exhale. Everything is going to look and feel a lot better with some dead weight off your back!
Get guidance on releasing what you need: Ancient Wisdom Says You Will Find Peace by Releasing These Two Things
The thing about full moons is that since they’re the brightest point of the lunar cycle, they also illuminate all that was comfortably hidden in the dark.
The Libra full moon will be illuminating your relationships and how your energy is dispersed. Are you spending enough time on yourself and your needs? Are you enabling the neediness of your partner too much? Are you getting lost in your partner? Is there a power struggle?
Full moons are a time of release – a deep exhale.
Libra, represented by the scales, urges you to strike a balance in your relationships and your energy. The Libra/Aries energy carries an equal and opposite conflicting energy. While Aries is focused on the individual, Libra is driven by partnership.
You may experience a productive revelation during this full moon! Even if it’s hard at first, it’s always better to be boldly in the light than shamefully shrouded in the dark.
Want to learn more about the Libra zodiac sign? Here’s Your Complete Guide to Libra Zodiac
Taurus Season
Dive into pleasure and all things plush, because Taurus season starts on April 19th! The first earth sign and the divine feminine of the zodiac, Taurus energy is all about enjoying life, the simple pleasures, the erotic pleasures, material goods, and being bull-fully stubborn on beliefs.
Embody the energy of this season by exploring what brings you pleasure. Commonly associated only with sex, you can experience pleasure in many ways that aren’t sexual at all!
Is it the sun on your face or soft fabric on your skin? The scent of blooming flowers or hot grass? Beautiful art or delicious meals?
Explore this with an open and playful heart.
Pleasure = Play = Power. Now that’s Taurus AF!
Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse
On April 30th, we experience a solar eclipse! When a solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the earth, casting a moon-dusted shadow on our blue planet.
Solar eclipses are a time to make external changes. And this new moon solar eclipse in Taurus is going to bring changes to how you grow what you love and desire.
Your external life is a source of great pleasure and joy. This lunation is asking you to switch it up and get really clear on how you show up for what lights you up.
Spending more time making your soul shine is exactly what is going to help you magnetize your desires!
Focus less on the how and more on the why. Being magnetic AF is a dance with surrender and desire.
Eclipses have a tendency to enact swift and radical change, urging you to be flexible with change rather than resistant.
Want to learn more about the Taurus zodiac sign? Here’s Your Complete Guide to Taurus Zodiac
Pluto Retrograde
From April 29th to October 3rd, Pluto, the watery planet of the underworld and transformation, stations retrograde in the earthy sign of Capricorn. You are going to embark on a journey through healing parts of your inner world, likely your inner child.
This theme will carry on through the beginning of October. Go easy on yourself and allow your inner child to guide you.
Ready to connect with your inner child? Reparenting: A Guide to Reframe and Respond to Your Child Self
This is your opportunity to listen and soothe, not judge and dismiss. Pluto’s purpose is to bring darkness to light.
Additionally, the United States is experiencing a Pluto return. Pluto is a slow moving outer planet and takes around 246 years to orbit completely around the sun. When the US was colonized and the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776, the country was officially “birthed” as the United States of America.
Pluto has returned to the same place in the sky that it was on that fateful day.
Humans won’t experience a Pluto return, but countries absolutely do! The empire of Rome fell during its Pluto return. Currently, there is great change and transformation is happening for the US. This isn’t a doomsday energy, but one of change and illumination.
A lot is being brought to the surface and the US is in the midst of massive upheaval and transformation, which I think we can all agree is true.
April 2022 Astrology Round Up
The overall theme of this cosmic story is that it’s time to play, take action, restore balance in your relationships, create magic, and let your inner child play.
You’re always going to experience waves in the ocean of life, but it’s learning to either surrender or jump on and ride that self-mastery is experienced.
You are the master of your universe! Astrology is simply one lens to look through for better understanding. Never forget, however, that through all the retrogrades and lunar cycles, you are always in control of your own life!