These 3 Zodiac Signs Tend To Be A Bit Awkward — Are You One Of Them?

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These 3 Zodiac Signs Tend To Be A Bit Awkward — Are You One Of Them?

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Sarah Regan
Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

By Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

Image by Ivan Gener / Stocksy

March 05, 2025

The 12 signs of the zodiac each have their strengths and weaknesses, and that includes their social skills. While some signs are naturally more extroverted and chatty, for instance, others are more shy and awkward.

Of course, someone's sign doesn't guarantee they'll be socially awkward, but the following three signs might struggle with socializing more than others.

P.S.: Be sure to check your sun and rising signs, as well as your Mercury sign, which influences how we think and communicate with others.

The most socially awkward zodiac sign tends to be Aquarius. We're so sorry to the Aquariuses out there—it doesn't make you any less likable or fun to be around. Once you get to know you, you're witty, progressive, and downright cool.

Upon meeting you, however, you do tend to have an aloof demeanor that makes you seem a bit unknowable. Not known for your warmth or social grace, other people may find it awkward to get to know you in the beginning. (This is why you tend to befriend more outgoing types who are able to do that initial friendly legwork.)

Of course, you don't really care if other people find you socially awkward—you know who you are and aren't going to pretend to be something you're not. More power to you; the right people will find you that way!

The second most socially awkward sign is none other than serious and responsible Capricorn. Indeed, it's not easy being the most hardworking sign in the zodiac—you don't understand why everyone else doesn't just keep their head down like you.

Well, Cap, it's because some people want to enjoy the pleasures of life, including socializing and having a good time. You can warm up when you want to, of course, but it's the wanting to that's the key. Most of the time, you simply don't want to turn on that social charm, and it can definitely make things uncomfy.

You might not even notice you're bringing the vibe down by not keeping things light-hearted, but at the end of the day, perhaps that's why you'll succeed more than everyone else. So, who's really winning?

And finally, the third most socially awkward zodiac sign is Cancer. The irony with you, Cancer, is that you can either be the softest, friendliest person at the party or the most brooding and cloudy.

You can thank your planetary ruler, the moon, for that. Every time it changes phases, you may notice a distinct change in your mood, oscillating between social and, well, completely antisocial. You're just a sensitive soul, and not everyone can appreciate or understand that.

Knowing this about yourself, learn to notice when you start shutting down. In those moments, your best course of action is likely to steer clear of heavily social situations until you've decompressed.

The takeaway

All the zodiac signs have the capacity to be awkward in their own ways, especially depending on their entire birth charts. We all have awkward moments from time to time, but if you're an Aquarius, Capricorn, or Cancer, don't be surprised if they happen often.