This Rare Personality Type Struggles With Letting Things Go — Do You Have It?
It's ok to be a little selfish sometimes, y'all.

Image by Mattia / Stocksy February 18, 2023 Our editors have independently chosen the products listed on this page. If you purchase something mentioned in this article, we may Whether you've mapped your astrological birth chart or dipped into human design, you've probably heard a bit about numerology. In this ancient system, numbers and letters hold energetic vibrations—and those vibrations are thought to influence our direction in life. Once you calculate your numerology chart and know your life path number, you can use it to better understand your personality, strengths, and weaknesses. Here, we're diving deep into life path number 9.
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How to find your life path number.
First things first: It's super simple to calculate your life path number. All you have to do is add up the numbers in your birthday. (Make sure you write out your full birth year.)
Keep adding any double-digit numbers together until you get a single-digit life path number between 1 and 9.
For example, if your birthday was March 29, 1969, it would look like:
3+2+9+1+9+6+9 = 39
3+9 = 12
1+2 = 3
So, 3 would be your life path number.
Common traits of life path 9:
Are you a life path number 9? Here are the traits that those with this life path number share:
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Life path 9's are literally known as "the humanitarians" in numerology, being both creative and extremely concerned with serving others.
As numerologist Kaitlyn Kaerhart tells mindbodygreen, "The 9 is philanthropic and driven by a desire to give back. It is not an easy path to walk, but the 9's eagerness to help others and make the world a better place is genuine."
Being so humanitarian-minded, life path 9's have a seemingly bottomless well of servitude and compassion, constantly giving of themselves to help others. This can be considered a strength or a weakness, depending on how well they can find balance.
As Kaerhart explains, they can forget themselves in their quest to be of service to others, leading to them taking on too much. "They must learn that sometimes holding on to attachments causes more pain than letting go," she says, adding that the shadow side of 9's selflessness can lead to burnout and feeling overwhelmed.
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One of the biggest challenges life path 9's will face is the dilemma of moving on and letting go. This can lead them through multiple portals of transformation throughout the course of their lives, which isn't always easy.
As numerologist Michelle Buchanan previously explained to mindbodygreen, the number 9 itself is associated with endings in numerology, so this life path's biggest lesson is learning to accept, let go, and move on from any misfortune of the past.
"This can be an incredibly painful and challenging process," Kaerhart adds, but the more 9's try to hold onto things that are not in alignment with their future, "the more resistance they meet, and 9s must learn that sometimes holding on to attachments causes more pain than letting go."
WIth 9 being the last single digit in numerology, it carries a great deal of wisdom and higher consciousness. As astrologer and founder of Girl and Her Moon Jordane Maree previously told mindbodygreen, "If we picture numerology as a journey, we began at 1 and have now moved from 1 through 9, arriving at a culmination of all the wisdom gained throughout the journey."
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Creativity is another key trait for life path 9's—after all, you've gotta get creative if you're trying to change the world.
As Buchanan explains, "Nines are creative and often work for the community in a service-based career. They’re gifted teachers, leaders, and healers who thrive when supporting a cause they believe in."
In their careers.
As you might imagine, when it comes to their careers and professional lives, life path 9's are attracted to humanitarian roles where they can make the world a better place in one way or another.
"These people thrive when working creatively for their community—they make great teachers, philanthropists, activists, and artists," Kaehart explains, adding they approach everything (from romance to their jobs) from a very heart-centered place. "With these people it's really, really important that they're able to give of themselves, and that they are experiencing compassion and empathy in their interactions. They're most driven and motivated by the desire to give and to contribute something to large groups of people."
Here are some common career paths for life path 9's, according to Buchanan:
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In relationships.
Life path 9's handle their relationships just like everything else in their life: with a humanitarian approach. That being said, this is someone who wants to be in a partnership that can make waves in the world for the better.
As Kaehart explains, "Their romantic relationships have a bigger purpose—these are couples who want to join the Peace Corps together, or things like that. They're involved in philanthropic ventures and nonprofit work."
And just as their selflessness to the world can lead to burnout, so can selflessness in relationships, so it's important for life path 9's to remember not to abandon their own needs in order to keep their partner happy.
In terms of romantic compatibility, according to both Buchanan and Kaerhart, life path 9's are most compatible with life paths 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 9. They may not click as well with life path 1's, life path 4's, and life path 8's.
Strengths & weaknesses of life path 9:
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Tips to thrive:
Stay true to your heart.
According to Kaehart, the best thing life path 9's can do to thrive is to always lead with their heart. "They're going to thrive the best when they're really listening to their inner voice and letting it guide them, and when they're dedicated to a cause that really lights them up that they're passionate about," she explains.
Don't overextend yourself.
Striking the balance between giving selflessly and remembering your own needs is essential for life path 9's. "That's kind of the shadow of the 9— they can just give and give and give until there's nothing left—and then they're left feeling empty and confused," Kaerhart explains.
When this starts to happen, she says, it's a big sign that the life path 9 needs to take a step back and focus on themselves for a bit.
Remember you deserve to receive blessings, too.
And speaking of focusing on themselves, life path 9's will thrive when they remember that even though they are givers, they also need to receive. As Kaehart puts it, "It's really important that they also work on receiving just as much as they are giving to others. That's where they're really going to thrive the most."
What are the characteristics of life path 9?
Life path 9's are known to be humanitarian philanthropists who are humble, compassionate, creative, and selfless.
What is the dark side of life path 9?
The shadow side of the life path 9 is when they become so selfless they abandon their own needs and get burned out.
What careers can I get with life path 9?
Life path 9's are creative and often work for the community in a service-based career. They’re gifted teachers, leaders, and healers who thrive when supporting a cause they believe in.
The takeaway.
Numerology can give us a new way to understand everything from our personality to the kind of year we're going to have. And if you have an 9 life path number, striking a balance between being of service to others and letting go of the past is the name of the game for you.