This Week's Horoscope Brings Good News For Couples—Here's Why
Mercury is heading back to Virgo.

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Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.
Image by Aleksandar Novoselski x mbg creative / Stocksy September 07, 2024 With Mercury in analytical Virgo and a quarter moon in Sagittarius, the back to school vibe is in full swing—just watch out for Thursday's Sun-Jupiter square. Here's your horoscope.Mercury wings back into Virgo on Monday, September 9
Mental Mercury hosts its second homecoming parade of the year, swinging back into its native sign of Virgo from September 9 to 26.
We already got a taste of this energy from July 25 to August 14 (including a retrograde that began in Virgo on August 5), but Mercury in Virgo’s analytical, efficient demands weren’t exactly in sync with the laid-back summertime vibe. As we head back to school and summer hours end, this is just what we need to focus on.
Bring order to any chaos with organizing, tracking, and financial planning. With the communication planet in this health-conscious sign, you can successfully start (and sustain) new habits by writing things down and planning ahead. Keep it simple!
Visualize the big picture with Wednesday’s quarter moon in Sagittarius
Have you gotten so consumed with the details that you’ve lost touch with your passion? Today’s balancing quarter moon in wide-angled Sagittarius puts a visionary spring back in your step.
While it’s great to have a rock-solid plan backed by facts and figures, without that frisson of purpose and possibility, what’s the point? Assess where you’ve become rigid and open your mind to other perspectives. There’s no threat in considering ideas; you don’t have to act on them.
Free yourself from the rat race of competition today and focus on what makes you happy. High-minded Sagittarius shines a light on a different set of considerations.
Are you being inclusive of a large pool of people? How will any expansions impact your environment, your family, and people in the area? Review your strategy through a wider lens. If something needs to be adjusted, get on that before the full moon one week from now!
Careful not to embroider the truth under Thursday’s Sun-Jupiter square
Don’t believe the hype—at least not before you dig for the real storyline! Someone might talk a big game under this conflating cosmic confab. Enjoy the colorful stories but know the difference between the truth and a tall tale before you sign on.
Take care that you don't exaggerate or over-promise either. As egos run amok, be sure you don’t fan the flames by getting sucked into the one-upping competition.
Love hard & love strong during Sunday’s Venus-Jupiter trine
Lucky in love? Why not? Faith is a big part of luck, and under this auspicious angle involving amorous Venus in Libra and optimistic Jupiter in Gemini, it’s safe to believe that anything’s possible. That helps you open your heart more, and that is what attracts a great mate.
Couples can deepen their bond in a truly significant way. As the two “benefic” (positive and helpful) planets make doe eyes at each other, go out of your way to see the best in your friends, loved ones, and partner.