Transforming our mind with different types of retreat

A retreat is when we retreat from ordinary activities and focus on our spiritual development. We can do retreat in so many ways according to our time and inclination.

Transforming our mind with different types of retreat

inspiration and deep connection IN THE MADRID HILLS

This weekend at KMC Madrid, we experienced a beautiful Amitayus Retreat guided by our new Resident Teacher, Gen Chokga. It was a reunion time with our Sangha, filled with learning, inspiration, and deep connection.

The yoga of Buddha Amitayus is a special method to enjoy a long life, accumulate merit, and increase wisdom. Through this practice, we strengthen our life energy, remove obstacles, and create the conditions for a meaningful life.

Each teaching and meditation reminded us of the great treasure this path offers. Thank you all for being part of this experience. May the blessings of Amitayus always be with us. See you again soon!

Thank you, Venerable Geshe-la.