Tricycle’s Latest Highlights: Our New Magazine Issue, a Podcast with Jan Chozen Bays, and a Discussion with Curator Jeff Watts
Plus more news from the Buddhist world you may have missed this week. The post Tricycle’s Latest Highlights: Our New Magazine Issue, a Podcast with Jan Chozen Bays, and a Discussion with Curator Jeff Watts appeared first on Tricycle:...

Plus more news from the Buddhist world you may have missed this week.
By Tricycle Jul 30, 2022
Nothing is permanent, everything is precious. Here’s a selection of some happenings—fleeting or otherwise—at Tricycle and in the Buddhist world this week
Our New Magazine Issue Is Up Online
Tricycle’s Fall 2022 issue looks at D.T. Suzuki’s early days in America and examines some misconceptions about the Buddha. It also examines the role of artists in a time of crisis.In “Putting Away the Books,” Bhikkhu Santi discusses what caused him to leave the monastery. In “There’s No Need to Be Busy,” Ayya Khema (1923-1997) urges us to slow down and not skip mediation. In “All of the Nature of Change,” a walk in the woods teaches Barbara Gates a lesson in impermanence. In “A Fierce and Tender Clarity” Vanessa Zuisei Goddard looks at the uses of anger. And the column “Buddhist Traveler” gives us a guided tour of Hong Kong’s Buddhist sites. Other features include an interview on Shin Buddhism with Mark Unno, an account of the ex-monk Nai Boonman, who preserved Thailand’s samatha tradition, and teachings on how to receive help, how to extend goodwill to everyone (yes, everyone), and how to be truthful to ourselves and others. Explore the issue here
A Podcast Interview with Pediatrician and Zen Priest Jan Chozen Bays
In the latest episode of Life As It Is, our podcast with Tricycle editor-in-chief James Shaheen and meditation teacher Sharon Salzberg, pediatrician and Zen priest Jan Chozen Bays discussed how mindfulness practices can provide an antidote to burnout and exhaustion. Listen here.
An Interview with Buddhist Nun and Hospital Chaplain Venerable Dr. Longyun Shi
Buddhist chaplain Pamela Gayle White learned how another Buddhist chaplain uses her calming presence and guided meditations to help people of all faiths tap into their spiritual strengths. Read here.
A Conversation on Himalayan Art with Scholar and Curator Jeff Watt
As part of Tricycle’s premium event series, leading scholar of Himalayan art and founding curator of New York’s Rubin Museum of Art Jeff Watt joined Tricycle for a virtual event exploring the sacred art of the tantric tradition. Read more about the event here and about Watt’s latest video project here
A Short Guided Meditation on Dealing with Anger
Meditation teacher Kim Brown shared a short audio practice for moving toward acceptance. Try it here.
August 16: Exploring Liminal Spaces: A Workshop with Andrew Holecek
Tibetan Buddhist author and scholar Andrew Holecek will lead a workshop on August 16, from 4-5pm EST, on navigating liminal spaces through the lens of the Tibetan dream yoga and bardo teachings. Register here.
SGI President Daisaku Ikeda Issues an Emergency Proposal for a Commitment to “No First Use”
Daisaku Ikeda, a long time advocate for nuclear disarmament, released the proposal ahead of the Tenth NPT (Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons) Review Conference that starts on August 1 at United Nations Headquarters in New York.
The Buddhist Global Relief Fund Raises More Money Than Ever, with an Annual Budget of $1.5 Million
The nonprofit, which is the largest Buddhist-led humanitarian agency in the United States, met in June to discuss the recipients of aid in the year ahead.
The Dalai Lama Consecrates the Thiksey Library and Learning Centre in Leh, Ladakh
His Holiness expressed his happiness to be back in Ladakh and with the library, which has been open since 2020. He also answered questions from the audience.
Pure Land Master Chin Kung Dies in Taipei at Age 95
The monk and venerator master established Pure Land learning centers all over the world and was an advocate for interfaith harmony.
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