What´s on in Argentina

During the last few weeks the 3 Kadampa centers in Argentina held very blessed events. They were very beautiful and powerful events, which showed great unity and the desire to put the Dharma into practice. There was a White...

What´s on in Argentina

In late June, in KMC Argentina, we had the great opportunity to receive the blessings of Buddha White Tara.

During the morning we engaged in a preparatory meditation with the Teacher, Juan Sebastian Romero, where he shared instructions on how to prepare our mind to receive the empowerment of White Tara.
During the break, we had coffee and cake prepared by kind volunteers.

Our beloved Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Rinchung, granted us the special blessings of White Tara and shared with us a profound commentary from Venerable Geshe-la, of the teachings he gave in 2002. How fortunate we are!

To help us take this practice to heart, we continued with a short retreat led by Center teacher, Sebastian Arias.

Thank you all for joining us and a special thank you to our beloved Spiritual Guide, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, for creating this beautiful Center and community!

Resident Teacher, Kelsang Chodzom, guided the annual purification retreat at KMC Cordoba.

Everyone completed this retreat feeling the joy of having shared precious teachings and unique moments with the Sangha.

Thank you Geshe-la for your infinite kindness!