Which Workout Is Best For You, According To Your Zodiac Sign

HIIT or swimming?

Which Workout Is Best For You, According To Your Zodiac Sign

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Sarah Regan


December 04, 2024

Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

By Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

Woman Doing Ab Workout in Outdoor Setting

Image by Milles Studio / Stocksy

December 04, 2024

There's no shortage of unique workouts to try if you're looking to crush your New Year's fitness goals. But which one to pick? Depending on your zodiac sign, you might have different preferences and even energy levels, so consider allowing your birth chart to inspire your choice.

Here's the best workout for all 12 zodiac signs. (Don't forget to check your sun and rising sign, and your Mars sign!)


With your fiery spirit and endless reserves of energy, Aries, a fast-paced and intense workout like spinning, is perfect for you. It'll get your heart pumping, plus it translates to riding your bike outside, should you want to take your workouts outdoors. Win-win!


As the strong and stubborn bull of the zodiac, Taurus, it only makes sense that weight lifting would be the best workout for you. It requires patience and a routine—two things you understand as a grounded earth sign. Plus, you're a fixed sign, so you've got plenty of endurance for maximum reps.


As a social and chatty sign, Gemini, you're well suited for sports you can play with a friend, like tennis or pickleball. These are also great options because you tend to be quick on your feet (and quick-witted to boot). Don't want to run? Golf might be a more leisurely social option for you.


As a sensitive water sign, Cancer, swimming is a great, low-impact way for you to move your body and de-stress. You can opt for swimming laps in the pool or a local body of water, or feel free to get more adventurous with paddle-boarding or kayaking.


You're the one and only sign ruled by the sun, Leo, and you also happen to be associated with the fifth house of creativity and expression. As such, dancing is a great workout option for you, whether that's your local gym's zumba class, barre, or salsa dancing lessons with a partner.


As a methodical and sometimes stress-prone earth sign, Virgo, yoga is the perfect workout for you to quiet your mind while working out at the same time. You appreciate the attention-to-detail yoga requires, plus you appreciate the ancient roots of this centuries-old tradition.


As a social and flirty air sign, Libra, it only makes sense that you would thrive in any team sports league. Sure, you may not be the best at softball, volleyball, or kickball, but you're moving your body and having fun—and that's what really counts.


No one does "intense" quite like you, Scorpio, so why not see if some high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can match that energy? You're not one to shy away from a challenge, and these heart-pumping workouts are a great way for you to tap into the transformative power of sweat and strength.


You're a free-spirit, Sagittarius, and you like to follow your impulses on a whim. As such, running only makes sense for you. Did you know your sign actually rules the legs and thighs? Get them moving with an outdoor run and take in the sights of your local neighborhoods—or a treadmill will always do, too.


Capricorn, your sign is represented by a sea goat because you can climb to the highest heights. Why not take that literally and go for a hike, climbing to the top of the highest peak near you? As a structured and disciplined earth sign, hiking is the perfect no-frills workout for you.


Why go for a walk, or even a run, when you can rollerblade? As easily the most quirky and eccentric sign, Aquarius, it would be all too on brand to see you whipping through the streets on your blades, donning an outfit that's as unique as you. Consider your newest hobby unlike—it's just a bonus that it's a workout!


For your sensitive and ethereal spirit, Pisces, traditional workouts don't necessarily give you the spirit you're looking for. Take your yoga practice up a notch and try aerial yoga out for size. It's a dreamy way to get a workout, and you'll only wish you'd started sooner.

The takeaway

Whether you want to try a new workout for New Year's, or you're just looking to switch up your usual fitness routine, a number of fun activities double as effective workouts. Any movement is better than no movement, whether that's dancing or hiking—no matter your sign.