Wonderful developments in the mountains of Sierra de Guadarrama
After taking possession of their wonderful new property in the mountains of Sierra de Guadarrama, the most popular natural site in Madrid and preparing it to open to the public, KMC Madrid recently held a special weekend at which...

After taking possession of their wonderful new property in the mountains of Sierra de Guadarrama, the most popular natural site in Madrid and preparing it to open to the public, KMC Madrid recently held a special weekend at which the Resident Teacher Gen Kelsang Tongmo granted the first empowerment in the new property.
"The Madrid Sangha gathered together as a community to receive this special blessing. We created a special connection with Buddha Amitayus by developing the confidence to make our human life truly meaningful by using it to progress on the path of permanent inner peace and happiness that will lead to our own enlightenment. It was a very special event born from the generosity of all the volunteers, students and teachers that made this happen. How wonderful!"
Open for residents and volunteers
As they begin to present their new program, which includes a post Spring Festival retreat with Gen-la Jampa, the center is now open to receiving residents and volunteers in the 57-room building.
For more information see the center website and volunteers page.