Yoga for Acne and Pimples

Poor health causes many health and skin problems like pimples and acne. So it’s better to choose natural methods rather than choosing medications. For example, try doing yoga for acne and pimples, and you’ll be amazed by the results...

Yoga for Acne and Pimples

By bloggingstudio on February 24, 2022   0  

Poor health causes many health and skin problems like pimples and acne. So it’s better to choose natural methods rather than choosing medications. For example, try doing yoga for acne and pimples, and you’ll be amazed by the results without witnessing any side effects. 

Can yoga clear up acne?

Yoga is not meant for increasing your flexibility only; it gives you a healthy body and glowy skin from the inside. For example, yoga for acne will help you relax and increase blood flow, resulting in better body functioning and improved digestion. With that, your skin starts to get clear, and there are no more acnes.

Does exercising help clear acne?

Physical exercises help the body to release sweat which cleanses your body. It even improves blood circulation, which helps in nourishing the skin cells and keeps them vital. Do not expect that you will exercise one day, and your acne will magically disappear. You have to exercise daily to get clear, glowy skin.

Can Surya namaskar reduce pimples?

Surya namaskar is a combination of many asanas that helps maintain your body and skin. Practice it daily to get rid of the pimples permanently.

How do I know if my acne is hormonal?

Hormonal acne is caused due to change in your hormones. You have hormonal acne if these points apply to you:

1. Your teenage years has ended
2. Most of your acne is around your jawline and chin
3. You notice acne appearing once a month
4. You are stressed most of the time

Now let’s look at what different asanas are, how its performed, and their benefits.

Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

Bhujangasana is derived from bhujanga, which means cobra, and asana, which means pose. This yoga pose is one of the asanas in Surya Namaskar. You can get rid of so many problems by doing this simple yoga asana.

Bhujangasana can be performed by lying on your stomach, your toes touching the ground, and your soles facing upwards. Place your palms in a way they lie flat on the ground and then slowly raise your neck, chest, and shoulders backward. Make sure you inhale deeply while doing this. Now take 4-5 deep breaths while holding this pose. Finally, release the pose and get to your original position gently and slowly.Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose


Relax your shoulder and back by opening them.Tones the abdomen.The flexibility of your upper and middle back improves.Removes back, shoulder, and neck pain by strengthening them.You get rid of stress and fatigue.Improves your blood circulation.Bhujangasana is great for people who have respiratory issues like asthma.Matsyasana (Fish pose)

Matsyasana is, also known as the fish pose, is originally performed starting with Padmasana (lotus pose), but not all beginners can do this; that is why easy variations are added to the pose. Matsyasana is performed by lying straight on your back with your palms touching the ground. Then, start taking deep breaths and slowly lift your chest area. Keep your head and palms in touch with the ground. Hold this pose for 15-30 seconds. Then, release the pose and get back to your original position.matyasana or fish pose


Relieves tension in your shoulders, neck, and throat.Strengthens throat and belly.Increases the blood flow in the head.Helps in regulating the flow during menstruation.Helps in stretching the spine.Halasana (Plow Pose)

Halasana or Plow pose can seem overwhelming to beginners, but you can master it with practice.

Start by laying on your back and palms facing downwards. Next, start lifting your feet slowly at a 90° angle. Now take them over your head and touch the toes on the ground before your head. Make sure you’re taking deep breaths in between. Hold this pose according to your capacity only. Now gently bring your legs back to their original position.Corpse pose or Savasanasecond step of Plough pose or Halasanathird and final step of Plough pose or Halasana


Opens up the shoulders, back muscles, abs, and neck.Helps in reducing stress and calms your nervous system.Improves the flexibility of your legs and tones them.Helps during menopause.Strengthens your immune system.Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand Pose)

Sarvangasana or shoulder stand pose is a yoga pose where your whole body stands on your shoulders.

Start by lying down on your stomach. Then, raise your legs upward in slow-motion to bring it to 90 degrees. Now lift your buttocks, which will bring your legs above your head. Align your legs in a straight line keeping your body up, put your palms on your back for better support. Try placing your chin on your chest and maintain the pose for 30 seconds or as long as you are comfortable in it. Then slowly return to your original pose by lowering your buttocks and lowering your legs slowly without causing any discomfort.Sarvangasana or Shoulder Stand


Normalizes the functioning of the thyroid and parathyroid glands by stimulating them.Strengthen your shoulders and arms and make the spine flexible.More blood is circulated into the brain when you do this pose.Cures indigestion, constipation, and other stomach-related problems.Trikonasana (Triangle pose)

Trikonasana is derived from trikona, which means triangle, and asana means pose.

It is performed by standing with your legs wide apart. Inhale and then bend your body to the right by exhaling. Touch your right hand to the ground and lift your left hand upwards. Do the same on the left side.Trikonasana or Triangle pose


Increases balance and stability.Lengthens and stretches the spine.Reduces your stress levels.Stimulates your organs.Shishuasana (Child Pose)

Shishusana or Balasana is used as a resting pose between complicated asanas to relax the body and prepare it for other asanas.

You have to sit on your knees and stretch your body forwards by placing your palms on the ground.Shishuasana or Child Pose


Stretches the hips, thighs, and ankles and reduces fatigue and stress.Opens up the hips.Soothes and calms the brain.Cures constipation.Pavanmuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose)

Pavanmuktasana can be performed by anyone from beginner to pro.

Start by laying on your back and palms and heels touching the ground. Next, fold your knees and bring them together with the help of your hands closer to your chest. Hold the position and breathe continuously. Release it after a few seconds.first pose of Wind-Relieving Pose or Pavanamuktasanasecond pose of Wind-Relieving Pose or Pavanamuktasana

Wind-Relieving Pose or Pawanmuktasana


Treats bloating and lets the gas pass from your stomach.Releases tension in the lower back.Increase blood flow in the hip area.Tones arms and leg muscles.Strengthens the abdomen.Sirsasana (Head Stand)

Sirsasana is a pose where your whole body is balanced on your head. This yoga pose is not advised to do without the guidance of a professional instructor. Your hands support your head in balancing the body.

Start by squatting on your knees and then slowly placing your arms on the floor, bending yourself into a table-like position. Interlock your fingers and place your head on the hollow space formed. Now raise your body first by straightening your legs. Now start making your feet closer to your hands. Slowly lift each foot off the floor. And then stretch your leg upwards.Sirsasana or Head Stand


Strengthens your core, arms, and shoulders.Removes any unwanted swelling in your legs.Helps in digestion process.Improves eyesight and hair.


We have told you how to reduce acne and pimples with these yoga asanas. Some of these asanas are beginner-friendly, and some need to be performed under an instructor’s guidance. Do not expect to see results in a week; it takes time for yoga to give you the best results.