10 Things In Your House You’re Probably Not Cleaning (But Should!)

Your yoga mat has a dirty secret.

10 Things In Your House You’re Probably Not Cleaning (But Should!)

Spring has sprung, and it’s the perfect time to refresh those aspects of our lives that are easy to overlook in the day-to-day. From our wardrobes to our skincare routines to our homes, everything’s fair game for a refresh. I love to spend a sunny Saturday morning doing a deep clean of my house that goes beyond the dusting, wiping, and vacuuming in my usual weekly rotation. You know what I mean—those things that can build up grime and go unnoticed for months. So, I put together a list of 10 things you forget to clean in your house (if you’re like me)—but that you really, really should.

It’s easy to look at spring cleaning as just another chore to add to your list of “to-do’s.” But why not flip the script and see it as transforming your home into a sanctuary—a place where you can always find comfort and joy? By taking this more mindful approach to spring cleaning, it becomes an act of self-care. You might be surprised how good it feels to flip your mattress, vacuum the hard-to-reach cobwebs, and let the sunshine in through newly cleaned windows!

Our spring cleaning refresh is sponsored by Field & Future, H-E-B’s new clean and green line of products. It’s the largest line of household, personal care, and baby items that are made without harsh chemicals. I especially love the fact that eco-friendly, non-toxic household products are now available (and affordable) on our weekly grocery runs (I’m personally hooked on the lavender-scented cleaning products that make my house smell so fresh without harsh chemicals.) So, ready to de-germ? Pull on your gloves and turn up the feel-good tunes—let’s do this!

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These are the top 10 things you forget to clean—and exactly how to clean ’em.

Trash Can

By nature of what it is, the trash can is likely one of the dirtiest parts of any home. We all know this to be true, but it’s probably not an area we give a lot of thought to cleaning. Time to address the grime once and for all. Start by putting your emptied trash can in the sink and add a few drops of dish soap. This is where the Field & Future by H-E-B dish soap comes in clutch.

What I love even more than the Honeysuckle & Rose scent? The fact that all of their products, dish soap included, don’t contain any harsh chemicals and are made with 100% plant-based ingredients. Even if you don’t realize it, we’re opening and closing our trash cans many times each day—and you definitely don’t want to be exposed to anything toxic or chemical-based. Once you’ve added your dish soap, simply rub with a sponge and use the sink sprayer to blast away grime.

Oh—and don’t forget the bag for when you start filling up your trash can next! I love Field & Future by H-E-B’s disposable bags. Literally, a trash can liner made from… trash. Clean and sustainable waste? Totally a thing.

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laundry room sink, things you forget to clean

Sink Faucet

I can almost guarantee the faucet wasn’t on your list of spring cleaning musts. If possible, make this notoriously hard-to-clean part of your kitchen a little easier by unscrewing the faucet. From there, spray with a multipurpose cleaner and use warm water and a sponge to rinse. For this task, while I’m adamant about doing a thorough job and getting a super-clean result, I’m not about scratching up my sink. Solution? The Field & Future by H-E-B no-scratch pads.

Pro tip: If there’s any grime around the spout (gross, I know), try using a toothbrush to loosen it up. Sparkling clean sudsing seshes await!

Under the Oven

While you can easily let the under-the-oven area of your kitchen go ignored for many many months, I’d recommend ripping off the band-aid and trying this easy trick for a sparkly clean finish. Wet a sponge and spray with multipurpose cleaner. From there, take a deep breath and run the sponge along the bottom edge of your oven. If necessary, wash off your sponge in the sink, spray again, and wipe the floor underneath the oven thoroughly. Finish off with paper towels to dry.

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spring cleaning, spray, things you forget to clean

Inside Cabinets

Before organizing your pantry and all of its many components, ensure you have a clean foundation to start from. First thing’s first, Marie Kondo your cabinets and take out everything! Spray down the shelves and the inside of your cabinet doors with a multipurpose spray. After that, go through with a few swipes from your roll of clean paper towels.

Remote Control

Another one of those things that can easily go by the wayside: your collection of remote controls. Not to dive into a potentially cringe-worthy subject, but let’s pause for a moment to think about all the hands reaching for those remotes every day. Ready to scrub it down? Thought so. Similar to your cabinets, spray your sponge with multipurpose spray and *thoroughly* wipe down your remote. Having a hard time getting into crevices and between buttons? Use a toothpick to remove any grime that’s collected around the buttons. Paper towels for the (wipe-dry) win!

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living room lamp, light fixture, things you forget to clean

Light Fixtures

Noticing that your light fixtures are shining a little less bright? Either swap out your lightbulbs (which, by the way, is a good thing to add to your spring to-do list!), or get to cleaning out the dust that’s collected over the past few months. Multipurpose spray + paper towels = your ticket to illuminating your home with light.

Craving a more thorough clean? Fill your sink with warm water plus a few drops of dish soap. Remove your fixtures, leave to soak for a few minutes, then rinse and dry. Be sure to dry them completely with paper towels before putting them back in their place.

Throw Blankets

Your throw blankets are probably the most low-maintenance, high-reward clean on this list! Your washing machine is your best friend here (but really, isn’t it always?). While you’ll definitely want to throw these in the laundry as a part of your deep spring clean, take this as an opportunity to set a reminder on your phone or in your planner to make it a biweekly habit.

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Yoga Mat

I’m not going to lie—it wasn’t until recently that I started thinking long and hard about how working out 3-4 times a week means I’m sweating on my yoga mat… a lot. Similar to your throw blankets, this is something you should be doing on a more regular basis than your spring cleaning alone. While a multipurpose spray and wipedown with paper towels is a quick, surefire way to get a good clean, you can also DIY a dedicated yoga mat cleaner.

Following a 1-to-4 ratio, mix vinegar or witch hazel with water in a spray bottle. I love adding a few drops of Field & Future by H-E-B’s Inhale Exhale Essential Oil. It’s made with eucalyptus, lemon, peppermint, rosemary, and tea tree—in other words, all the natural scents I want to be taking in when I’m doing downward dog.

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toothbrush and toothpaste

Toothbrush Holder

If you’re using a manual toothbrush, your dedicated dish where you throw your brush is likely hiding a lot of residue. And while I’ll spare you the dirty details, residue often means bacteria, viruses, and coliforms (Salmonella and E. coli) are hiding as well. Suds up a sponge with dish soap and rinse your toothbrush holder well in the sink. For a deeper clean, run it through the dishwasher.


Last, but definitely not least. While visually, you’ll notice all the hair that gathers on your brush, there’s also product residue, dust mites (gross, I know), dead skin cells, and oils that build up from repeated use. In a sink filled with warm water, mix together a few drops of shampoo or dish soap. Place your hairbrush(es) in the sink and use your hands to swish them about until they get sudsy. Soak for five minutes and rinse until all the soap is gone. Spread a towel on the counter and allow your brushes to dry completely.

Remember that with all of these often-forgotten areas and your big and lofty spring cleaning goals, perfection isn’t the goal. Instead, I try my best to focus on progress and enjoying that squeaky-clean satisfaction of getting through your projects over the weekend when you can. When you let go of the pressure to get through your spring cleaning as quickly as possible, you get to look forward to a beautiful home that reflects all your hard work.