11 Readers Share Their Happy Moments
Last week, 10 Cup of Jo readers shared joyful moments — from car picnics to impromptu weddings — and you guys wanted more! So, here are 11 sweet photos of good times… Above: “My wife Ana and I had just...

Last week, 10 Cup of Jo readers shared joyful moments — from car picnics to impromptu weddings — and you guys wanted more! So, here are 11 sweet photos of good times…
Above: “My wife Ana and I had just walked past Meg Ryan on the streets of Hudson, New York. We are HUGE You’ve Got Mail and When Harry Met Sally fans — we’ve watched them together since we were teens — so were absolutely beside ourselves with joy! ” — Julie
“I *love* food. Here, I’m lost in gustatory bliss while eating a raspberry donut in Phoenix Park in Dublin.” — Sophia
“My husband and I love rock climbing, and this was taken on a trip to Boulder, Colorado. The chance to travel together and do something we both delight in, well, I think the joy on my face speaks for itself!” — Laura
“A couple years ago, I was going through a hard time and needed some distraction, so my dad and I signed up for sailing lessons. Once a week, we’d meet up at the sailing club, rig our boat and fail spectacularly at getting anywhere on the water. I took this photo after we lost our first race. It was hilarious and miserable and we’ve never touched a boat since but whenever I look at this photo I feel only happiness.” — Alyson
“It took us eight years — of tears, tests, medications, acupuncture, a brief separation, and going to the brink of IVF — for us to end up spontaneously conceiving our baby girl. Here I am, sleep-deprived but also the happiest I have ever been to get to hold and love this tiny human.” — Joann
“I’d wanted to be a pastor since I was three, and after 30+ years of that dream being buried under patriarchal theology, it was resurrected this past year. I became the Accessibility and Belonging Pastor at my church in Austin. This one’s for the girls — may your deep-dwelling dreams blossom and burst forth into life.” — Christi
“If this picture doesn’t scream ‘happy moment,’ I don’t know what does! This is my niece having her first cup of ‘coffee’ (steamed milk). Anytime I’m with my nieces, my heart feels how her face looks — pure glee!” — Savannah
“I took this selfie on a Friday night, after returning from a work trip and having dinner with friends at a neighborhood Italian restaurant. Happiness is a full belly, fun conversation, and the tired but satisfied feeling of knowing I’ve done good, hard work I believe in.” — Trina
“This was the night I adopted my dog, Izzy. I’d met her foster parents outside Nordstrom at 7 p.m., and the moment I picked her up, she kissed my face. We drove home with her bundled on my lap, and I’ve been in love ever since. This photo shows the complete joy (and mild panic!) we both felt that night.” — Becca
“This photo of me with my brothers and our spouses on a date this summer brings me so much joy. There’s a peace that comes from seeing your loved ones happy and well supported, and I adore all these people so much I could burst.” — Liberty
“Nothing can compare to that together-again feeling.” — Virginia
When is the last time you were bursting with joy? We’d love to hear…
P.S Readers share their best dresses and good habits they’ve kept.