Add This To Your Daily Routine To Combat Inflammation & Prevent Disease
These healthy fats pack an anti-inflammatory punch.

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Image by Javier Díez / Stocksy August 22, 2024 Though their list of health benefits is long, omega-3 fatty acids are perhaps best known for their anti-inflammatory properties. But how, exactly, do these healthy fats help modulate and mitigate chronic inflammation? And what are some examples of symptoms and diseases that these anti-inflammatory benefits can help prevent?How do omega-3 fatty acids fight inflammation?
First, let's define the two different types of inflammation:
Research shows that having more omega-3s in your body—i.e., increasing your Omega-3 Index—supports a healthy inflammatory response1 and helps prevent diseases and conditions commonly caused and/or exacerbated by chronic inflammation.
How to increase your omega-3 intake
Maintaining healthy omega-3 levels in cell membranes has been shown to help protect against chronic inflammation.
Although some EPA and DHA can be produced in the body endogenously via dietary ALA, the most effective way to increase your marine-derived omega-3 intake is by consuming more foods and/or supplements rich in EPA and DHA.
Consider adding omega-3-rich fatty fish (e.g., salmon, tuna, sardines, anchovies) to your diet multiple times a week to up your intake of EPA and DHA and achieve an optimal Omega-3 Index.
The takeaway
Whether you're currently dealing with acute inflammation or want to protect yourself from chronic inflammation (and the diseases it can cause), increasing your omega-3 intake is a great way to help support your body's healthy inflammatory response.