Agents asked to knit hats for babies in Ukraine
Just Go! Holidays has extended its appeal

Just Go! Holidays is inviting agents to knit hats for babies in Ukraine.
The tour operator launched a customer appeal last week and has already collected more than 100 knitted hats. Now, it has extended the appeal to include travel agents.
The first batch of hats will be sent to Ukraine in the coming days, and submissions will be accepted until the end of June.
Andy Freeth, chief executive of Just Go! Holidays’ parent company, the JG Travel Group, said: “We have been absolutely overwhelmed by the kindness of our customers, who have taken the time to knit these tiny hats for those babies so in need right now.
“We are receiving more and more every day which is incredible and is just one small step in helping the people of Ukraine. If any agents would like to get knitting hats, we’d be thrilled to receive them.”
Agents should send their knitted hats to: Just Go! Holidays, 111 High Street, Cheltenham, GL50 1DW.