Awakening to Emptiness with Gen Rabten in Germany
Participants deeply experienced the profound theme of emptiness with Gen Rabten in Germany at the post-Summer Festival retreat at Tharpaland KMC and the special course at KMC Berlin.

Awakening to Emptiness with Gen Rabten in Germany
An international post-Summer Festival retreat at Tharpaland KMC
An international group of meditators completed Tharpaland's Summer Retreat, enjoying five days of meditations led by Gen Kelsang Rabten.
People from as far away as China and Australia enjoyed the quietness and peace of Tharpaland KMC, really focussing on the essential meanings of the Heart Sutra as Venerable Geshe-la had taught them.
Everyone was inspired by by Gen Rabten's skill in presenting the instructions on emptiness. What a meaningful time we had, taking the teachings to heart in such good company!
"Tharpaland is such a grounding, peaceful and protective place." - Ping
Wake up! ~ Course at KMC Berlin
Sixty-four people attended a special weekend course at KMC Berlin, which was held in two sessions with Gen Rabten.
He skillfully and joyfully explained that we need to “Wake up!” by deeply experiencing the profound topic of emptiness, Buddha’s ultimate view. There is no greater method to achieve peace of mind and true happiness, and to solve our human problems.
He emphasized that through steady meditation practice, we can create the mental space necessary to turn our awareness inward, discovering a deep, indestructible peace and true happiness.