Bhadrasana (Gracious Pose) Steps, Precautions and Benefits

If you have been practicing yoga for quite a time now, you must be familiar about the fact that sometimes a single yoga pose might have multiple names or the same name could be referred for two different yoga...

Bhadrasana (Gracious Pose) Steps, Precautions and Benefits

By Sweety on October 18, 2022   0  

If you have been practicing yoga for quite a time now, you must be familiar about the fact that sometimes a single yoga pose might have multiple names or the same name could be referred for two different yoga asanas. Similarly, when you search for Bhadrasana in google, the result you will see will be different from what we are going to explain in this article today. So don’t get confused because yoga will never stop surprising you.

Who should not practice Bhadrasana?

Bhadrasana should be avoided if you have a leg injury, such as a sprain, exhausted joints where the lubrication between the tendons has worn out, or rheumatic diseases.

What is the meaning of bhadrasana?

Bhadra and asana are two words that mean special in Sanskrit, while asana refers to a yogic posture. Therefore, Bhadrasana implies a ‘special posture.’

Bhadrasana = Bhadra+Asana

Bhadra = Gracious or Auspicious

Asana = Posture or comfortable seat

Bhadrasana or Gracious Pose

An excellent asana for meditation, Gracious Pose offers health benefits similar to those of Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose). The Sanskrit name Bhadrasana is called so because it is highly beneficial for spiritual aspirants as practicing this asana for extended periods of time activates Mooladhara Chakra. In ‘Hatha Yoga Pradeepika’ (one of the most recognized books on yoga) it is also described as the destroyer of diseases. Apart from this, Bhadrasana has many other benefits which one may experience on regular practice. So let’s begin by knowing the steps to practice Bhadrasana.

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Steps to practice Bhadrasana (Gracious Pose)

Starting Position: Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose)

Variation 1 Vajrasana

Taking the support of arms, separate the legs as far as possible without straining. The toes must remain in contact with each other and with the floor as well.Spread the feet making enough space for the buttocks and perineum to rest on the floor right between the feet.Place the palm of both of your hands on the knees. Try to spread the legs apart a bit more without straining. Keep the spine erect.When you are comfortable, practice Nasikagra Drishti (concentrating on the center of nose’s tip).If you feel strain or heaviness in the eyes close them for a while and then resume to gaze at nose tip. Take slow and deep breaths and relax the whole body.

Variation 2 Veerasana

In Veerasana, you bend the knee on the ground with your kneecaps under your lower body, and your knees open wide. It is a variation of Bhadrasana in which the soles of both legs are connected together, and the palms are entangled with the fingers.

Variation 3 Gorakshasana

Gorakshasana is a sitting posture in which the heels of the legs are pushed in, and the knees are on the floor, similar to Baddha Konasana, in which the heels are below the body.

Variation 4 Baddha Konasana

The butterfly pose, also known as Baddha konasana, is among the warming-up exercises and the starting position for gorakshasana.

Practice Bhadrasana for a minute or two.

Precautions for Bhadrasana (Gracious Pose)

The buttocks should rest firmly on the ground during the whole practice.In order to make the practice more comfortable, use a blanket below the buttocks.Discontinue the practice if you feel a strain on the body while practicing the pose.People suffering from any of this condition should avoid practicing this asana: Joint pain, spinal disorders, back pain, neck pain, pain in legs or weakness in legs.

Benefits of Bhadrasana (Gracious Pose)

Stretches the thighs, legs and back.Improves the functioning of the organs.Rejuvenates the body providing new vigor and vitality.Helpful in giving relief in acidity, gastritis and constipation.Useful in getting rid of respiratory problems such as asthma.Improves body posture by realigning drooping shoulders and rounded back.Regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland, abdominal and reproductive organs.Stimulates the spinal nerves, relieves pain in back and neck and sciatica as well.Extremely beneficial for spiritual purposes as practicing this asana activates the Mooladhara Chakra.

Stay healthy stay strong and get the best out of life.


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Avoid practicing the above poses if you have knee or hip injuries.People with slipped discs should exercise caution when performing such seating yoga postures.Begin by practicing this asana gently and slowly increase hours of practice according to your overall efficiency.

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