Financing Climate Change highlights: engagement and collaboration key to sustainable investing
Panellists at FinanceAsia’s Financing Climate Change (FCC) conference provided insights on building green portfolios as well as on the trends they see shaping sustainable finance.

Panellists at FinanceAsia’s Financing Climate Change (FCC) conference provided insights on building green portfolios as well as on the trends they see shaping sustainable finance.

July 12, 2022
As markets continue to apply a sustainability lens to financing, investors are increasingly aware of the importance of incorporating ESG into their investment strategies. But building a successful green portfolio is more than just about allocation, experts at the FCC said.
“We often talk about ESG in terms of research and portfolio construction, but actually, once we hold these assets, we have a really important part to play in terms of ensuring that they are delivering on the commitments and objectives they’ve set themselves in the ESG space, holding them to account and driving change,” said Claire Herbert, ESG manager at Schroders.
Yet monitoring and engagement can...
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