Heruka Day Celebrations 2024
January 25 is a special day in the Kadampa calendar - it is Heruka Day. Heruka is Buddha's mind of compassion manifested as form. On this day, Kadampa Centers worldwide celebrate by organizing community events and prayers.

We celebrate Heruka Day with a shower of blessings at the two KMC Barcelona locations.
Sangha friends gathered together at the commercial space on Berlin Street, in a small gompa prepared for Vajrayogini counting retreat; and at “la masia” in the beautiful surroundings of the Montserrat mountains, with those attending the Completion Stage of Tantra retreat. In a festive atmosphere and pervaded by the presence of Guru Heruka, we engaged simultaneously in Offering to the Spiritual Guide puja.
Thank you very much Geshe-la from the depths of our hearts for this beautiful practice that will take us to your Pure Land, the very heart of Buddha. How fortunate we are, and may everyone share the same good fortune!