Kurukulla Red Tara’s Power Mantra in Sanskrit chanted enchantingly 21 times
Very powerful chanting to original and memorable music dedicated to glorious Kurukulla, the immensely popular “Diva” Dakini of enlightened magic who transforms seduction into ‘the cause of wisdom.’ (Hard-subbed with mantra for chant-along.) MANTRA Oṃ kurukulle hūṃ hrīḥ svāhā...

Very powerful chanting to original and memorable music dedicated to glorious Kurukulla, the immensely popular “Diva” Dakini of enlightened magic who transforms seduction into ‘the cause of wisdom.’ (Hard-subbed with mantra for chant-along.)
Oṃ kurukulle hūṃ hrīḥ svāhā
ओं कुरुकुल्ले हूं ह्रीः स्वाहा
NOTE: Her proper name is Kurukulla. Only the mantra uses the vocative form (Kurukulle) of her name.
LEARN MORE ABOUT KURUKULLA in our short “about Kurukulla” documentary here:
Guided Kurukulla meditation from Buddha Weekly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ch-i7N7wa80
Kurukulla is like a beautiful, modern celebrity endorsing a worthy cause; she projects this divine and Enlightened beauty to attract us to the Dharma. She uses her enchanting “magic” to remove our obstacles to practice. We all need a little enchantment in our lives, don’t we?
For a full in-depth feature on Kurukulla, see BuddhaWeekly.com: https://buddhaweekly.com/kurukulla-the-diva-dakini-of-enlightened-magic-the-enchantress-transforms-seduction-into-the-cause-of-wisdom/
CHANTING: Generally, with Bodhichitta intention, anyone may chant this mantra, but without empowerment you only visualize Kurukulla in front of you, with yourself as your own Yidam.
Although it is always desirable to have lung for this mantra, because she is a form of Tara and also an emanation of Amitabha — none other than the slightly wrathful form of Padma Dakini — her mantra can be chanted by anyone with Bodhichitta intention — the intention to benefit all sentient beings. However, be guided by your own lineage teachings and your own teacher.
Her Tibetan name Rigiyedmna (རིག་བྱེད་མ) literally translates as “she who is the cause of knowledge”. Although she has her own tantras and practices, she is considered an emanation of Tara: Tarobhava Kurukulla, “the Kurukulla who arises from Tara” (Red Tara: sgrol-ma dmar-po.)
As a female deity, she is understood to embody the wisdom aspect of enlightenment (i.e., emptiness), and as a form of the savioress Tārā, herself a manifestation of Avalokiteśvara, she personifies all-embracing compassion.