Off Broadway Travel unveils ‘Photos and Fizz’ initiative

Agency aims to book customers’ next holiday upon return of previous trip

Off Broadway Travel unveils ‘Photos and Fizz’ initiative

Off Broadway Travel has unveiled an initiative to encourage customers to book their next holiday as soon as they return from a trip.

The agency has launched the Photos and Fizz scheme, which sees its customers come into its Welwyn retail store and show agents photos from a recent trip abroad, while drinking prosecco.

Owner Tricia Conroy Smith hopes that by coming in and showing off their pictures, customers will be tempted to book their next holiday on the spot.

More: Off Broadway Travel to open Luxury Travel Lounge

She said: “The initiative works really well because, let’s face it, no one’s relatives want to see their holiday photos so it gives them a place to come and show them off.

“We sit with our customers, go through their pictures, drink fizz and chat about the highlights of the holiday, and that leads to them talking about their next holiday.

“We have been doing it for the last few months and people really enjoy it and it has prompted some customers to book another trip so it’s clearly working.”

Photos and Fizz has been well received by Off Broadway Travel customers, with staff hosting up to five sessions a week.

The agency has not yet announced the scheme to all its customers, rather it has let it spread by word of mouth, however, it plans to roll it out fully after the summer holidays.

Conroy Smith said: “I would love to share it with all our clients as it’s an extra string to our bow and makes us even more desirable. I don’t think everyone will take us up on the offer, but certainly our regulars are up for it.

“We’re always on the lookout for something a bit different and something to ensure we keep a great relationship with our clients, and this seems to be doing the trick.”