Rains Retreat Closing Ceremony 2023-2024

The 90-day Rains Retreat 2023-2024 has concluded, marking a period of deep study, practice, and transformation for our monastic and lay community.

Rains Retreat Closing Ceremony 2023-2024

The 90-day Rains Retreat 2023-2024 has concluded, marking a period of deep study, practice, and transformation for our monastic and lay community.

The Rains Retreat is an annual retreat whose origins date back to the time of the Buddha. It is a time for Buddhist monastics to deepen their studies, practice, healing, and transformation.

At Plum Village, we had the opportunity to practice as a multifold Sangha (monastic and lay siblings), supporting each other to deeply learn, apply, and continue to evolve Thay’s teachings on Ethics

The Rains Retreat Closing Ceremony celebrates this enriching community of monastic and lay practitioners.

Br. Phap Huu representing Upper Hamlet at the Ceremony of Invitation

We started and completed this Rains Retreat 2023-24 in Harmony. All the Buddhas are happy

Br. Phap HuuBr. Phap The and Sr. Chan Duc bowing to all our ancestral teachers

The three-months retreat was an opportunity to go deep into the practice and make progress on the path of transformation. Please continue to uphold the practice and do not lose the depth you have realized

Sr. Chan Duc Elders sharing at the Ceremony of Invitation

This is a happy day for the mahasangha and I can feel Thay smiling. During these three months, we offered happiness and freedom to everyone who takes refuge in us. It is a gift for the world.

We are very grateful that Sister Chan Khong always offered her presence. It is already more than enough

Br. Minh HySr. Chan Khong shares joyfully from the heart

Thank you for recognising I am still alive, and for accepting me

Sr. Chan Khong

Moments from the Closing ceremony

Thay is here with usLay friends embracing joyfullyOur monastic sanghaElders sharing at the ceremony of invitationBr. Phap The touching the earthSr. Chan Duc offering incenseThe monastic sanghaDrums begin the ceremonyBr Minh Hy at the bellChanting the Heart SutraBr Phap The and Sr Chan Duc bowingA sacred momentBowing to the three jewelsoffering incenseBowing to the three jewelsLong term lay friends and monastics from New Hamlet