Ready For The Year's Final New Moon? Here's What Each Sign Needs To Know
It will be a new moon in Capricorn.

Graphic by mbg creative x Sarah Ehlen Photography / Stocksy December 22, 2022 Our editors have independently chosen the products listed on this page. If you purchase something mentioned in this article, we may As hard as it is to believe, 2022 is nearly at a close—and the upcoming new moon in Capricorn this Friday, December 23, is going to set a proper stage for the year's finale. Depending on your sign, this new moon will mean something specific to you. Here's what to know, according to astrology expert, Imani Quinn. Note: Be sure to check both your sun and rising sign, and even your moon sign if it resonates.
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Aries, this new moon in Capricorn is landing in your 10th house of career, public image, and legacy. Given that new moons are all about beginnings and fresh starts, Quinn says the energy of this moon might be encouraging you to get more serious about your long-term career goals and the structures you can begin to put in place. With grounded Capricorn's assistance, this may feel easier than it does normally.
This new moon is falling in your ninth house of personal beliefs, philosophy, and travel, Taurus. According to Quinn, Tauruses can be a bit stubborn when it comes to their belief systems, so this new moon is a call to get clear on your the values that are working, and the ones that need reevaluating. "Give yourself some space to reconsider how it is that you move with your belief systems and explore new ideas," she adds.
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There's an intimacy in the air under this new moon for you, Gemini, as it moves through your eighth house of sex, rebirth, and transformation. Quinn explains you may be inclined to increase intimacy in your romantic life, and the helpful energy of Capricorn can help you approach this in a grounded way. You may also be assessing how you're showing up for yourself in intimate ways, whether they be emotional, spiritual, or even intellectual, she adds.
Landing in your seventh house of longterm partnerships, Cancer, this new moon is going to highlight themes around your relationships. According to Quinn, the focus is specifically on energetic exchange, and reciprocity in your connections. "Cancers tend to over-pour into dynamics, so they can really assess which relationships are working for them," she explains. The seventh house also sometimes deals with professional connections and contracts, so pay attention to those, too.
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Leo, this new moon is emphasizing your sixth house of health and wellbeing, so it's a great opportunity for you to dig into your health and how you're caring for yourself. "So really looking at your self care routines, and asking questions like: Am I getting enough sleep? Am I getting enough food? Is my physical and mental health taken care of?" Quinn explains, suggesting to take this time for plenty of personal nourishment.
Feeling a certain creative spark, Virgo? With the new moon in your fifth house of self-expression, creativity, and celebration, you could be feeling optimistic around a certain creative project or idea brewing—and you should! "For Virgos, this new moon will really be about owning their desires, and because Capricorn is also a fellow earth sign, it's asking them to really stand up for what they want, and own it," Quinn tells mbg.
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This may be a very wholesome new moon for you, Libra—a welcome energy for the holiday season. It's landing in your fourth house of home and roots, so leaning into traditions will suit you under this new moon, Quinn notes, adding that quality time with your family (or chosen family) is going to feel particularly precious. The new moon is in Capricorn, after all, which is a sign that loves its structure and tradition.
Scorpio, this new moon in Capricorn is landing in your third house of communication and information. With holiday celebrations abound, Quinn recommends looking at how you communicate with your loved ones, and whether that communication is effectively helping you move forward. "So it's about using communication as a tool," she explains, adding, "Scorpios can really identify the root of things that are going on, so how can they use communication as a way to move through challenges that are in front of them?"
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Money on the mind, Sagittarius? It should be, because with the new moon in Capricorn falling in your second house of finances and security, you'll feel support in your financial endeavors. And for what it's worth, few signs understand the importance of financial security more than Capricorn. Under this moon (and over the next six months), you have a great opportunity to budget, plan investments, and work with your money to create a fulfilling life, Quinn says.
This is your new moon Capricorn, and with it falling in your first house of self and identity, you may be doing some soul searching, or feeling inspired to go completely blank-slate and start fresh. According to Quinn, this is also a time to shine in whatever endeavors you've been putting your time and attention into. You're magnetic right now, and people will notice—don't shy away from your spotlight.
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Aquarius, this new moon falls in your 12th house of endings and completion, which may create some paradoxical inclinations or urges for you. On one hand, you can feel a new beginning on the horizon, but on the other, you may be acutely aware of what needs to be let go in order to get there. As Quinn explains, this is also a very spiritual house, so you may feel an expansion of consciousness, explore new spiritual tools, or otherwise push the bounds of your own spiritual practice.
Put your networking hat on, Pisces. With the moon in Capricorn landing in your 11th house of friendship, networks, and collectives, it's the perfect opportunity for you to put yourself out there and show up for your community. Quinn recommends reflecting on how the contributions you make in your community can actually help your own long term goals. The 11th house is also a bit eccentric and innovative, while Capricorn is more grounded and traditional, so finding a way to walk that line will be helpful.
The takeaway.
No matter your sign, the final new moon of the year is offering us all an opportunity to reflect on the structures and systems playing out in various aspects of our life. Over the next two weeks leading up to the full moon, and the next six months until the full moon in Capricorn, pay attention to how the seeds you plant now grow and transform.