Spanish Dharma Celebration 2022

At the 2022 Spanish Dharma Celebration, Gen Chokga, the National Spiritual Director in Spain, granted the empowerment of Buddha Vajrasattva and gave teachings on how to purify our mind to the 350 attendees at the Malaga Temple and other...

Spanish Dharma Celebration 2022

"“During the celebration I felt that Geshela was with us, emanating the wonderful temple, the precious teachers and the methods to purify our mind. I was particularly touched by Geshela's words: "I have switched to the NKT and I have ceased to be interested in myself." We should all do so to continue his work.”
Gloria (Barcelona)

“Spain's Dharma Celebration is a unique occasion to connect more deeply with the Dharma. Reuniting with friends of the Sangha and meeting new ones, who with their stories, anecdotes and good heart motivate me to continue practicing more intensely. Understanding why unpleasant situations happen to us and how we can purify these potentials with the practice of Buddha Vajrasattva is medicine for the mind and a valuable method for enjoying peaceful experiences. In particular, the teachings on karma and emptiness touched my heart deeply, and when the class ended I felt like I had lived a dream."
Davide (Ibiza)

“I finally understood that purification is essential. Without it, the potential for suffering can arise at any time and we will have impediments to advance on our path to liberation. Fortunately we have our precious Vajrasattva Buddha to help us clear our black karma. I feel very lucky."
Auxi (Sevilla)

“In a word it would be Acceptance. I really liked the part about creating harmony with others and with the Sangha, the teachings of accepting everything that happens to us regardless of the external circumstances.”
Antonio (Zaragoza)

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