This Common Supplement Can Help Improve Memory, New Research Shows

New study shows multis deliver cognitive longevity benefits.*

This Common Supplement Can Help Improve Memory, New Research Shows
Morgan Chamberlain
Morgan Chamberlain

mbg Supplement Editor

By Morgan Chamberlain

mbg Supplement Editor

Morgan Chamberlain is a supplement editor at mindbodygreen. She graduated from Syracuse University with a Bachelor of Science degree in magazine journalism and a minor in nutrition.

Image by W2 Photography / Stocksy

June 10, 2023

Health care providers have debated the benefits of multivitamins for years. mindbodygreen is definitively Team Multi (hello, bridging serious nutrient gaps and delivering whole-body health benefits) but critics are quick to dismiss this ultra-common supplement’s ability to support overall well-being.* 

New research from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition demonstrates the benefits of using a multi to promote cognitive health and longevity, showing multivitamin enthusiasts really are on to something.* 


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How multivitamins impact memory & brain health

In the randomized clinical trial (RCT), researchers from Columbia University and Harvard Medical School randomly assigned 3,500 participants over the age of 60 to take either a standard multivitamin (Centrum Silver) or a placebo daily. Their baseline brain function was evaluated prior to the study and annually thereafter for three years.

Participants that took a daily multivitamin were found to have significantly better immediate recall after one year compared to the control group, as well as better average recall over the three-year study period.* In fact, taking a daily multi demonstrated a clear slowing of cognitive aging by 3.1 years.* 

Researchers concluded that daily multivitamin use among older adults can help improve memory and enhance overall brain longevity.* Of course, multis should not be used as a replacement for a healthy, well-balanced diet or lifestyle habits (i.e., good sleep, regular physical activity, proper hydration, etc.), but rather a complementary approach to maintaining cognitive health as we age.* 

Choosing a multi for brain longevity benefits

What’s more interesting about this study is that the multi provided (Centrum Silver) is not an overly impressive formula—and yet, significant brain longevity benefits were demonstrated for years following daily use. 

Can you imagine how beneficial a high-potency, comprehensive multivitamin formula with targeted longevity and brain health benefits could be to further enhance overall cognitive benefits? That’s exactly why mindbodygreen created ultimate multivitamin+.* 

This premium formula includes efficacious doses and forms of all the essential vitamins and minerals your brain needs to function optimally (think: all eight B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, and magnesium), plus an array of longevity botanicals (i.e., glutathione, resveratrol, piperine, lutein, zeaxanthin, and lycopene) to promote cerebral blood flow, antioxidant capacity, oxidative balance, and more.* 

RELATED READ: Best Multivitamin For Seniors: Multi Benefits, Options & More


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The takeaway

In a recent study, multivitamin use was found to help older adults enhance their memory recall and maintain overall cognitive health.* For whole-body health, brain longevity, and overall well-being, consider ultimate multivitamin+ to help you not only meet, but exceed your daily nutrient intake and cognitive health goals.*