Pandemic ‘catalyst for switch to tourism sustainability’
European Travel Commission issues help handbook
Watchdog urges clampdown on PCR testing market
CMA calls for ‘up-front regulation, monitoring and wider sanctions’
Covid tests ‘cost travellers £1.1 billion this summer’
Analysis estimates cost as trade calls for ‘urgent review’
Analysis: How 9/11 and its fallout reshaped travel
Ian Taylor asks if Covid may have a similar impact on restrictions and growth
End ‘fear factor’ around foreign travel, SPAA chief urges
Appeal made at association’s centenary dinner
Abta joins transatlantic lobbying for borders to reopen
US, Canada and European agents urge governments to ease travel rules
Sunak dashes hope for furlough or grants
Chancellor says sector-specific support would be ‘challenging’
24 Lesser-Known & Famous Landmarks of Japan You Won’t Want...
“Monuments are the grappling-irons that bind one generation to another” ~ Joseph...
APT unveils 2022 Canada and Alaska programme
Programme launch coincides with opening of Canadian borders