Urban retreats at local centers around the world – Oases of peace
Most Kadampa centers around the world regularly organize retreats, so that everyone can have the opportunity to put aside their normal activities for a while and emphasize going deeper with particular spiritual practices. Some of these retreats are residential...

Most Kadampa centers around the world regularly organize retreats, so that everyone can have the opportunity to put aside their normal activities for a while and emphasize going deeper with particular spiritual practices. Some of these retreats are residential retreats, but many are right in the city.
People get most out of the retreats when they are able to put aside some time, even one or two days. However, it is also possible to join for individual sessions around work or family commitments. In this way something extraordinary is happening, with meditation retreats being offered and participated in - that are suitable for busy modern people and fit in with their lives.
Although you will find short retreats programmed througout the year, January is the Kadampa retreat month, when you are most likely to find longer retreats on offer in the city center spaces.
It's such a good time of the year to meditate. The busyness of Christmas and New Year celebrations is over, so the retreat offers time to relax, step back and renew our spiritual intentions. There is motivation to start the New Year in a good way, setting up habits for happiness and peace throughout the year.
KMC Mexico
A reset and recalibrate. A small hibernation within which something magical and transformative occurs through the power of meditation.
People find these retreats very inspirational, enabling them to deepen their practice. Busy people don't find it too difficult attending the retreat and managing distractions. The essential thing is setting up some boundaries at the beginning. So a person might decide no television, but they do the last session each day online so as to be at home with the family. In this way participants are able to maintain their motivation for engaging in their practice even when ordinary life surrounds them.
Being at the center and meditating together many times each day creates a very blessed and peaceful environment - a true sanctuary. Those who have experienced retreat before often say they couldn't wait to be back in retreat.