What is White Label SEO: A Comprehensive Guide for Agencies

Think about this: After addressing a few fundamental SEO issues, a website you optimized experiences a significant boost in organic traffic.  The client, ecstatic with the results, is ready to scale their spending with you to ensure continued growth....

What is White Label SEO: A Comprehensive Guide for Agencies

Think about this: After addressing a few fundamental SEO issues, a website you optimized experiences a significant boost in organic traffic. 

The client, ecstatic with the results, is ready to scale their spending with you to ensure continued growth.

However, there’s a challenge. While the client is eager to invest 2x or even 10x more, you realize that your agency’s current expertise isn’t sufficient to meet the new demand.

You might scramble to gather additional resources to keep up, but soon, you discover that achieving bigger revenue dreams with your current team is far from reality. 

The client, who once sent you a thank-you note, is now growing frustrated as growth stagnates and, in some months, falls below expectations.

Before long, you’re back to square one, burdened with paying additional SEO resources without seeing a significant margin from existing clients.

If this isn’t your story, great. However, many agency owners have faced similar challenges and have nearly considered closing the shop. 

Fortunately, they met us before that point. Stan Ventures is now their trusted White Label Search Engine Optimization partner.

So, what magic did we perform? Is there a secret formula that changes the fate of SEO businesses?

Yes and no.

What is White Label SEO?

As a White Label SEO agency, we empower SEO agencies in the US, Australia and Canada to deliver top-notch SEO services to their clients. Our over 300+ SEO experts specialize in on-page, off-page, and technical SEO to provide quality results for your clients without you having to put your time and money down the drain.

You might wonder why agencies like Stan Ventures decided to resell SEO. The answer is simple: SEO resellers like Stan Ventures can accomplish tasks swiftly with a team of in-house experts. 

New agencies face slender margins and potential revenue loss without white-labeling SEO, especially if they decide to hire a team for every new client onboarded.

Some agencies might increase pricing to mitigate these losses, but most clients can’t afford this, leading to discontinuation. 

By partnering with a White Label SEO company, agencies benefit from expert services while keeping costs low, enabling them to offer quality SEO at affordable prices. This leads to delighted clients who remain loyal due to the competitive pricing.

What about the reports shared with clients? Will they ever know you outsourced to an SEO reseller? 

With White Label SEO Resellers like Stan Ventures, you don’t have to worry because we:

Offer 100% White Label SEO reports Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) Provide consultations without revealing our identity Offer free training to help partners understand the SEO reports we share

In the following sections, I’ll explain how SEO resellers work and how you can make significant profits by partnering with the right White Label SEO reseller agency.

Who Are White Label SEO Providers?

A White Label SEO reseller is a great SEO agency that helps smaller and growing agencies by providing quality SEO services. They use their in-house expertise to perform SEO activities for other agencies’ clients and provide white label SEO reports.

Not all agencies can position themselves as SEO resellers because fulfillment requires a large team of experts well-versed in various SEO aspects. That’s why I stressed the term “Great SEO Agency.”

Partnering with a Private Label SEO service of the highest caliber means you have an extended team working for you whenever needed. The benefit is no monthly contracts; you can assign tasks as they arise, avoiding a fixed monthly budget commitment.

Moreover, partnering with White Label SEO services offers discounted rates for bulk orders. White-label SEO pricing is typically 30-50% lower than individual client pricing. Agencies like Stan Ventures also provide dedicated dashboards for tracking progress.

By teaming up with SEO reseller services, you can delegate transactional SEO tasks to a capable team, saving money on hiring in-house experts and additional team members.

When and Why You Should Outsource SEO

By now, you understand why SEO agencies use White Label SEO comapnies. Let me provide more perspective on why outsourcing SEO can be critical.

Keep Bigger Margins with a White Label SEO Company

SEO specialists are paid a minimum of $30,000, with experienced experts earning $70,000+. Asking these high-paid resources to work on clients paying less than $1000 monthly is costly. 

Quality link building requires significant effort and cost. Smart agencies keep in-house experts for premium clients and use SEO reseller partners for others.

Technical SEO is another area where many agencies lack expertise. With Google prioritizing good page experience, technical SEO is crucial. However, talent in this field is scarce and expensive. Stan Ventures’ in-house technical SEO experts provide these services at a fraction of the cost.

Partnering with a reputable SEO reseller ensures higher margins per order, allowing you to offer quality SEO services while maintaining profitability.

SEO Services Are In-Demand, But What If You Have Limited Resources

SEO isn’t dead; there’s been an exponential increase in demand over the last three years. Based on our experience, we’ve seen:

3-4x more client service requests post-2018 Bigger demand for quality SEO services Companies investing in long-term digital marketing channels like SEO

During the pandemic, digital marketing budgets slightly declined, but SEO spending remained strong. This indicates that companies continue to value SEO for its long-term benefits.

With rising demand, focusing on business planning is essential. Adding more clients can be challenging when struggling to offer SEO services to existing customers. That’s when White Label SEO services come in.

With a reseller partner, you can focus on increasing your clientele while the reseller handles implementation and reporting. Assign a team member to monitor activities, and you’re set.

How Can White Label SEO Benefit Your Agency?

Access to Expertise

Partnering with an SEO reseller gives you access to a pool of SEO experts without hiring in-house. This means you can take on more clients and offer a broader range of services.

Cost Savings

SEO resellers offer services at a lower cost than hiring full-time employees. This allows you to maintain higher margins and provide competitive pricing to your clients.


With no monthly contracts, you can assign tasks as needed, ensuring you only pay for services when you need them.

Comprehensive Services

SEO resellers provide a range of services, including on-page SEO, off-page SEO, technical SEO, and white label link building. This allows you to offer complete SEO solutions to your clients.

Quality Assurance

Reputable SEO resellers ensure high-quality deliverables, helping you maintain client satisfaction and trust.

Focus on Core Business

By outsourcing SEO tasks, you can focus on your core business activities, such as client acquisition and relationship management.


Partnering with an SEO reseller allows you to scale your business without the need for additional in-house resources. This enables you to take on larger projects and more clients without compromising quality.

What Services Do White Label SEO Providers Offer?

A reputable white label SEO agency like Stan Ventures can offer complete SEO solutions for agencies. A white label SEO service provider can offer services on behalf of agencies based on what they choose not to handle in-house. 

Below are some of the most common SEO needs expressed by our agency partners.

Keyword Research

Your white label partner should offer comprehensive keyword research as a core service. This involves:

Finding Relevant Keywords: Identifying keywords that attract the right audience and have high potential for conversion. Competitive Analysis: Analyzing competitors to find gaps and opportunities in keyword targeting. SEO Strategy Alignment: Using keywords to develop a strategy that boosts organic traffic and meets client goals.

On-Page SEO

On-page SEO is vital for improving a website’s visibility on search engines. Services should include:

Meta Descriptions and Title Tags: Crafting optimized meta descriptions and title tags to improve click-through rates. URL Structure: Ensuring URLs are clean and keyword-rich. Headings and Content: Optimizing headings and on-page content for target keywords. Page Speed Optimization: Enhancing page load speed to improve user experience and rankings.

Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO focuses on improving your clients’ website authority and online presence. Key services include:

Link Building: Acquiring high-quality backlinks to improve domain authority of your client’s. PR and Guest Posting: Leveraging public relations and guest posting to enhance visibility of your client’s brand. Blogger Outreach: Collaborating with niche relevant websites to boost brand credibility of your clients.

Content Creation

High-quality, optimized content is essential for SEO success. Your partner should provide:

Blog Posts: Regularly updated blog content that targets relevant keywords. Landing Pages: Optimized landing pages designed to convert visitors. Lead Magnets: Engaging content like ebooks and whitepapers to capture leads. Multimedia Content: Videos, graphics, and social media posts to enhance user engagement.

White Label SEO Reporting

Transparent and detailed white label reporting is crucial for demonstrating the value of SEO services. Look for providers that offer:

Easy-to-Read Reports: Clear and concise reports that highlight key metrics and results. Actionable Insights: Recommendations for improvement and growth based on data analysis. Branding Options: White label reports that can be branded with your agency’s logo and details. Regular Updates: Consistent reporting schedules to keep clients informed about progress.

Apart from this, a top-notch white label SEO agency should also be able to offer:

SEO Strategy Development: Crafting a tailored SEO strategy based on thorough analysis and research. Website Auditing: Conducting detailed audits to identify and fix SEO issues. Local SEO: Optimizing for local search to attract customers in specific geographic areas. Lead Tracking: Implementing systems to track and manage leads generated from SEO efforts. Website Design: Ensuring the website is SEO-friendly and provides a great user experience.

Benefits of Using White-Label SEO Resellers

Focus on Core Competencies: Continue excelling in your core services while SEO resellers handle the SEO tasks. Expertise on Demand: Access specialized SEO expertise without hiring in-house. One-Stop-Shop: Benefit from a comprehensive range of SEO services tailored to various niches. No Contracts: Choose resellers that don’t bind you to monthly contracts, offering flexibility in managing tasks. Tool Savings: Save on expensive SEO tools by using the reseller’s resources and dashboards. Additional Revenue: Enhance client offerings without increasing your in-house team, improving client retention and satisfaction. Reduced Risk: Safely enter new markets and expand your services with expert support from the reseller.

Choosing the Best What Label SEO Provider

When choosing a white label SEO provider, consider their experience, expertise, and reputation. Look for a partner who:

When considering a white label SEO provider, evaluating several key factors is crucial to ensure a successful partnership. Here’s what you should look for:

White Label Agency Should Ensuring Your Client Confidentiality

With White Label SEO Resellers like Stan Ventures, you don’t have to worry about client confidentiality because we:

Offer 100% White Label SEO reports Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) Provide consultations without revealing our identity Offer free training to help partners understand the SEO reports we share

White Label Agency Should Have In-House Capabilities

A trustworthy white label SEO reseller uses its in-house expertise to perform SEO activities for other agencies’ clients. Fulfillment requires a large team of experts who are well-versed in various SEO aspects.

For example, we serve 50+ US agencies with the support of 300+ SEO professionals. Each agency gets the support of a dedicated account manager, and a dedicated team is assigned under these managers to ensure the agency’s requirements are met at the right time without any delays in Turn Over Time. 

Here are a Few Other Traits of the Best White Label SEO Company

Communication: They provide dedicated account managers who are available 24/7. Data-Driven White Label Reporting: A detailed monthly white label report per your agency’s standards is a must. Realistic Expectations: While they can help you scale, they will provide realistic numbers about the bulk orders that can be delivered within the TAT. Ongoing Training: They will offer training on dashboards and how to read the white label report. Sales Support: At Stan Ventures, we also assist in closing deals with white-labeled proposals. Track Record: White-label agencies have a proven track record in delivering high-quality SEO services. Uses ethical SEO practices: Trustworthy white label agencies use only white hat SEO practices. NDA: Signs NDAs to protect client confidentiality.

The Risks of Choosing the Wrong White Label SEO Partner

While partnering with an SEO reseller can bring many benefits, choosing the right one is crucial. Some resellers may use outdated or blackhat SEO practices, risking your reputation and client trust. Always ensure the reseller uses ethical SEO strategies.

Additionally, ensure that the reseller signs a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to protect client confidentiality. Lack of support from the reseller can also be problematic, so choose a partner who provides consistent, high-quality service and is available for consultations.


What should I do if my agency can’t keep up with client demand for SEO services? 

Partnering with a white label SEO provider like Stan Ventures can help you meet client demand without overextending your resources. This allows you to leverage their expertise and scale your services efficiently.

How does partnering with a white label SEO provider help with cost management?

 White label SEO providers offer services at a lower cost compared to hiring full-time employees. This allows you to maintain higher margins and provide competitive pricing to your clients, ultimately improving your profitability.

Can my clients find out that we are using a white label SEO provider?

 No, your clients will not know you are using a white label SEO provider. Stan Ventures offers 100% white label SEO reports, signs Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs), and provides consultations without revealing our identity, ensuring complete confidentiality.

How can a white label SEO provider help improve client retention? 

By providing high-quality SEO services at competitive prices, white label SEO providers help you deliver consistent results to your clients. This leads to increased client satisfaction and loyalty, improving retention rates.

What types of SEO services can I outsource to a white label SEO provider? 

You can outsource a wide range of SEO services, including keyword research, on-page SEO, off-page SEO, technical SEO, link building, content creation, and white label SEO reporting. This enables you to offer comprehensive SEO solutions to your clients without expanding your in-house team.

How Can I Get SEO Sales if I Partner with a Reseller Program?

We can help you close sales by providing well-researched white-labeled SEO proposals that you can share with prospective clients.

What Is Your Experience in Offering White Label SEO Services?

We have been in the SEO industry for over 14 years. For the first five years, we worked exclusively for individual websites before entering the white label SEO market.

What Are the Benefits You Give an Agency Partner?

All our agency partners receive SEO services at highly discounted pricing. Agencies can get our link-building services at up to a 65% discount. We assign a dedicated team to ensure your clients are happy with the deliverables.

Can You Do Link Building Alone as Part of White Label Services?

Yes, we can handle link-building campaigns alone. We have an ever-growing list of niche-specific domains to build high-quality links for your clients. We use a manual outreach strategy to source all the domains we use for link building.

Is Reselling SEO Services Good or Bad?

Reselling SEO services is beneficial if you find too much time and effort wasted in transactional SEO activities like link building. If your SEO company lacks in-house capabilities for specific tasks, choosing the best SEO reseller will help you deliver quality services to your clients.