Why I Fear the Wrath of the Statistical Gods

In the modern age of information and data-driven decision-making, there exists a unique phenomenon: the fear of the statistical gods. Just as ancient civilizations believed in divine beings who governed various aspects of life, those who navigate the realms...

Why I Fear the Wrath of the Statistical Gods

frustrated with problems young business man working on laptop computer at homeIn the modern age of information and data-driven decision-making, there exists a unique phenomenon: the fear of the statistical gods. Just as ancient civilizations believed in divine beings who governed various aspects of life, those who navigate the realms of data and statistics often develop an irrational yet deeply ingrained fear of displeasing these unseen deities. 

This essay delves into the fascinating world of statistics and the apprehension that many individuals share – the fear of incurring the wrath of the statistical gods.

The Nature of the Statistical Gods

To understand this fear better, it is crucial to explore who the statistical gods are. Unlike the gods of mythology, these entities are abstract, residing in the realms of probability and mathematics. They are the arbiters of statistical significance, the guardians of causality, and the keepers of the laws that govern data. Statistical gods can be seen as capricious, rewarding meticulous analysis and methodological rigor, while punishing those who venture into the dangerous territories of data manipulation or misinterpretation.

One of the most well-known statistical gods is Significus, who determines whether the findings of an analysis are statistically significant or merely the result of chance. Then there's Causalis, the god of causality, who weighs the evidence to determine if correlations observed are indeed causal relationships. Lastly, there is Modelaris, who watches over the development of statistical models, ensuring they accurately represent the underlying data.

Fear's Origins

Marketing research firms are increasingly relying on platforms and automated tools to gather and analyze data, often at the expense of leveraging the expertise of qualified statisticians. While these platforms offer efficiency and speed, they can fall short in providing the depth and accuracy of insights that skilled statisticians can offer.

One of the key issues with an overreliance on platforms is the potential for misinterpretation of data. Automated tools can generate vast amounts of data, but making sense of it requires contextual understanding, statistical expertise, and the ability to discern meaningful patterns. Statisticians possess the knowledge and experience to apply the right statistical techniques, identify confounding variables, and account for biases that automated platforms might overlook.

Moreover, statisticians can design research methodologies that are tailored to the specific objectives of a project. They can ensure that data collection processes are unbiased and representative of the target population, minimizing errors that might arise from automated data collection. Statisticians possess the industry experience and expertise to select the appropriate analyses.

The Fear Takes Hold

The fear of the statistical gods often begins as a simple acknowledgment of the complexity and precision required in the world of data analysis. It starts with an appreciation for the consequences of erroneous conclusions drawn from data. However, as individuals delve deeper into the realms of statistics, this fear can evolve into a paralyzing anxiety, making them question every step they take in their analytical journey.

One of the most common manifestations of this fear is the fear of making a Type I or Type II error. Individuals become acutely aware that their decisions – whether in research, business, or policy – can have significant repercussions, and that the statistical gods are unforgiving when it comes to drawing incorrect conclusions.

The Quest for Methodological Purity

To appease the statistical gods and avoid their wrath, practitioners of data analysis engage in a relentless quest for methodological purity. This pursuit involves adhering to rigorous statistical techniques, following established best practices, and maintaining transparency in data collection and analysis. The fear of displeasing the statistical gods drives researchers and analysts to document their methodologies meticulously, hoping to gain their favor and avoid divine retribution.

The Role of Cognitive Biases

The fear of the statistical gods is exacerbated by various cognitive biases, such as confirmation bias and overconfidence. Confirmation bias leads individuals to seek evidence that supports their preconceived beliefs or hypotheses, potentially leading to cherry-picking data or overlooking contradictory information. Overconfidence can make individuals believe that their statistical models or methods are infallible, leading to a disregard for uncertainty and a false sense of security.

These biases can create a paradoxical situation where individuals, driven by their fear of displeasing the statistical gods, inadvertently fall into the trap of making the very mistakes they aim to avoid. They may become overzealous in their quest for significance, overstate the strength of correlations, or oversimplify complex phenomena to fit their preferred narratives.

The Balance Between Caution and Progress

While the fear of the statistical gods can be paralyzing, it also serves as a necessary cautionary force. It reminds us of the importance of rigorous methodology, responsible data handling, and the need to acknowledge uncertainty in our analyses. It encourages humility in the face of complexity and encourages a commitment to the pursuit of truth through data.

However, striking the right balance between caution and progress is a constant challenge. In the quest for methodological purity, individuals may become overly risk-averse, stifling innovation and progress. The fear of the statistical gods must be tempered with the understanding that some level of uncertainty is inherent in any analysis, and that embracing uncertainty is a crucial aspect of responsible data science.


The fear of the statistical gods is a testament to the power of data and the importance of statistical rigor in our data-driven world. While it may seem irrational to outsiders, it is a real and potent force that shapes the decisions and actions of those who work with data. It serves as a reminder that data analysis is not a mere technical exercise but a nuanced interplay between methodology, interpretation, and the quest for knowledge.

In the end, whether we believe in the statistical gods or not, they remain an integral part of the data analysis experience. They are the unseen, omnipresent forces that challenge us to be meticulous, humble, and transparent in our pursuit of truth through data. And for those who fear their wrath, the fear itself becomes a driving force for improvement and a constant reminder of the responsibility that comes with wielding the power of statistics.

While platforms and automated tools have their place in marketing research, they should be considered as tools to support statisticians, not replace them. A balanced approach that combines the speed and efficiency of platforms with the expertise of qualified statisticians is likely to yield the most robust and reliable results. Ultimately, the success of marketing research depends on the ability to extract meaningful insights from data, and statisticians play an indispensable role in achieving this goal. Their skills, knowledge, and experience are invaluable assets that marketing research firms should continue to prioritize in their operations.

This will placate the statistical Gods.

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Michael Lieberman is the Founder and President of Multivariate Solutions, a statistical and market research consulting firm that works with major advertising, public relations, and political strategy firms. He can be reached at +1 646 257 3794, or michael@mvsolution.com.