Why You Should Avoid 'Reverse Recruiters' During a Job Search
Unless you absolutely have no time, it's likely a waste of money.

Unless you absolutely have no time, it's likely a waste of money.

Credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.com
Everyone who has ever looked for a new job knows that job-hunting can feel a full-time job in itself. The hiring process takes a long time, you have to be organized and vigilant, and you have to go through several rounds of interviews, test projects, cover letters, and thank you notes. That’s why the idea of having someone do all the drudge work on your behalf is so appealing, giving rise to what’s known as “reverse recruiting.”
If you’re exhausted by the process of finding a new job or don’t have any spare mental capacity, the idea of outsourcing your next job hunt might seem tempting. But there are some serious downsides to the approach that you should consider before taking the plunge.
What is reverse recruiting?
The basic concept of reverse recruiting is sensible enough: You’re essentially paying someone to find a job for you. Unlike traditional head hunters or recruitment agencies, which are paid by the hiring company to find the right people for open roles, reverse recruiters find open roles for people and are paid by the job-seeker—that is, you. Companies like Find My Profession, Ladders, and My Personal Recruiter offer reverse recruiting services.
A reverse recruiter will typically do the following on your behalf:
Search for appropriate jobs based on your skills, experience, and career goals
Customize your resume for each role
Fill out applications and submit your resume
Respond to correspondence about the role on your behalf
Schedule interviews
In other words, once you get set up with a reverse recruiter, you can sit back and relax while they search for jobs, fill out applications, and eventually bring interviews to you. Some charge up-front flat fees for the service, others take a one-time percentage of your salary if you land a new job—which could be totally worth it if they find the perfect role for you.
Why reverse recruiting probably isn't worth it
Reverse recruiting might sound pretty enticing—you get on with your life, skip the stress, and continue to focus on the job that’s actually paying your bills while someone else sets up job interviews. What’s not to like? But there are some strong reasons why reverse recruiting might not be a great idea for you.
Money. First of all, there’s the cost, which can range between $2,500 and $5,000. This can be a flat fee, a percentage of your new salary, or a retainer system where you pay a monthly fee.
Something to consider here is motivation: If you pay your reverse recruiter a flat, up-front fee, they don’t have much motivation to worry about results—they’ve already made their money. On the other hand, if the recruiter is working for a percentage of your new salary, that’s a lot of motivation to find you a position, but also motivation to chase after the highest-paying jobs regardless of how appropriate they are for you. Of course, if salary is your number one goal in your job search, that might work just fine for you.
No special sauce. Reverse recruiters often work with the same job listings you can find for yourself with a little Googling and time spent on job boards. While it can save you some time and effort in terms of sifting through all those job listings, you won’t necessarily identify unique opportunities this way.
Reputational damage. Some reverse recruiters essentially spam your resume to every open job out there, casting a wide net to increase the chances of bringing you interviews or offers. This kind of indiscriminate strategy can lead to some sticky situations, such as applying for a job at your current company, an old employer you left under poor terms, or applying for roles that you’re not particularly suited for.
That last point brings up some questions about results and metrics you should ask any reverse recruiter you’re thinking of working with:
Is there any sort of money-back guarantee? How long will they seek jobs for you, and if they don’t land you any interviews or offers within a certain period (say, six months), do you get your money back?
What happens if they land you an interview with a job you don’t want? Or if you get an offer and decide to turn it down (especially if their fee is tied to a new salary)?
What happens if you accept an offer but know immediately it’s a mistake and leave your new role within a month or two? Or if you get fired, or don’t make it through a probationary period? Do you still owe them that percentage of your salary? Do they keep looking for you, or will you have to pay them a second time?
It’s certainly possible for a reverse recruiting situation to work in your favor. If you simply have zero time to look for jobs, it can automate the most tedious aspects of the job search. But by and large, reverse recruiters are scraping the same job listings you can access, blasting your resume and data out there (often pretty indiscriminately), and offering few (if any) guarantees of success. You’re almost always better off just finding the time to look for jobs yourself.