4 Simple Ways To Make Your Job Less Stressful and More Enjoyable
Many of us have or will have a 9-5 job at some point in our lives. I have been working a 9-5 job for all of my adult life. Over the years I’ve found some ways to make my...

Many of us have or will have a 9-5 job at some point in our lives. I have been working a 9-5 job for all of my adult life. Over the years I’ve found some ways to make my jobs less stressful and more enjoyable and I’d like to share them with you today.
1. Create And Stick To A Schedule
I am a creature of habit and a planner. I find that planning and having a schedule to follow helps me feel less stressed. It gives me time to prepare and gives me some control over my day. I know that I can’t plan everything and sometimes I will have to pivot and that’s okay.
Try scheduling a regular time to wake up, do your morning routine, leave home to the office, and leave the office to head back home. Sticking to this schedule will give you a sense of normalcy, which can ease morning stress and anxiety.
2. Take Your Allotted Breaks
It’s important to take breaks when we work in an office. Ensure you’re taking breaks to stretch, hydrate, and have lunch. If possible, take a 10-minute break every couple of hours. I like to get outside on my breaks and take a walk around the building to get some fresh air. Taking breaks will help you stay fueled and energized to stay productive throughout the day.
3. Set Boundaries With Colleagues
Sometimes when you work in an office environment it can be hard to focus due to chatter, distractions, and interruptions by colleagues. I find that it’s important to set boundaries if these things are keeping me from getting my work done and leaving me feeling stressed or rushed.
It’s okay to catch up from time to time, but it’s also important to know when to set boundaries and let people know you’re busy and will catch up with them later. Setting boundaries will help you feel confident and help relieve added stress that may come from your workplace.
4. Utilize Vacation Time
Most jobs offer paid time off and we must use it. Having time away to be refreshed, decompress, and enjoy your life outside of work will help you be more productive while at work. Research has found that employees taking time off is key to creating a more sustainable workplace and helps their minds, body, and soul (Source: Harvard Business Review).
Use the PTO you’ve earned and worked hard for to do something that makes you happy. This could be scheduling a spa day, running errands to the garden center, or the store, or just staying home and watching daytime TV while everyone is out of the house for the day.
Setting boundaries at work also includes working during your paid hours and leaving when they are done. You should do your best while at work, but when the day is done, it’s your time.
I hope this gave you some ideas on how to to make your 9-5 job less stressful and more enjoyable, so you can have a great day everyday!
“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”- 1 Corinthians 10:31
About the Author: Ivanna Baron shares her story and experiences to help and encourage others. She offers practical tips and ideas for personal growth, wellness, and faith on her website ivannabaron.com.