8 top business leaders—from Yelp, Zillow, Dell, and more—on the habits they want to cultivate in 2023
Yelp, Zillow, Nextdoor and other top business leaders share their plans for 2023.

As 2022 comes to a close, top business leaders are making plans for the year ahead.
You probably are, too. For anyone looking for some inspiration, CNBC Make It asked leaders across industries what habits they wanted to cultivate in 2023.
Here's what they had to say.
David Schwarzbach, Chief Financial Officer
"Working from home means sitting much more than in the office where meetings and lunch kept me moving. Without those moments, it becomes harder to sustain my concentration throughout the day. While I'm not someone who usually makes New Year's resolutions, I've realized that I do need to set aside time every day to get up out of my chair to reboot. I've discovered that taking a few minutes after lunch to weed the garden or walk the dog is the perfect antidote to Zoom fatigue."
Dell Technologies
Jen Felch, Chief Digital Officer and CIO
"Going into 2023, I'm focused on cultivating a habit of asking better questions. Our innovations and solutions are driven by how well we understand the opportunity in front of us. The right questions have the potential to draw out the context that can help us create something wonderful vs ordinary. Digital transformation doesn't just happen — people make it happen! The more those people know about the what and why of problems they are solving or who they are solving it for, the more opportunity we have to delight."
Naomi Wheeless, Global Head of Customer Success
"Burnout is often top of mind for everyone at the end of the year, especially when we reflect on all we accomplished and how hard we worked. As leaders, we often act first to reduce burnout on our teams — and try to convince ourselves and our employees that we're invincible. In 2023, I'm resolving to tackle my own executive burnout, and to be more authentic about it. I'm giving myself the grace and permission to be burnt out and address my needs.
I have to ensure I'm being the best version of myself, because that leader will achieve the best results for her team, company and customers. Our Square sellers probably understand executive burnout better than anyone, as entrepreneurs who are often wearing many hats within their business and don't get to take many days off.
Next year, I'm being more thoughtful about the time I'll take away and mapping that out in advance now. I'm also leaning into my morning routine — time for myself, my family, movement and prayer — so that I'm ready for anything the universe might throw my way on any given day."
Esi Eggleston Bracey, President of Unilever U.S. and CEO of Personal Care, Unilever North America
"For 2023, I've set out a few goals as part of my well-being action plan for myself and my team:
1. 'Say No' list:
I'm a yes person and enjoy giving my time to people and projects, but I know that in saying 'yes' to too many things, I'm taking energy and time away from other priorities. My goal is to say 'no' to five asks a week and add more energy to the things that matter most in my professional and personal life.
2. Journaling:
I meticulously plan the future for the businesses I lead, and I would like to put that same type of intentionality in my personal life. I will commit an hour per week to journaling and creating dreams for the future.
3. Meditation:
I meditate but I'm inconsistent, mostly doing it reactively when I feel stress. In 2023, I'm committing to meditating 10 minutes per day, five days a week.
4. Build energy for my teams:
It's been another long year and the world opening back up has been both wonderful and overwhelming. We concluded this year with an energy week that included structured activities with the themes 'Focus on Me,' 'Focus on We,' 'Focus on Community.' In 2023, we plan to do a few more of these weeks where we pause to reflect and re-prioritize, building energy as we move forward."
HP Inc.
Savi Baveja, Chief Strategy & Incubation Officer
"It's a priority next year to help my team unleash their entrepreneurial spirit. In 2023 it will be important to adopt a more people-focused approach to innovation — building our 'community of rebels' where incubation and out-of-the-box thinking is part of the way we work every single day.
Some of the strategies I see as essential for doing this are:
Fostering inclusive incubation: Rather than sequester incubation within a box on an organization chart, make incubation tools and services available to every part of the company, to help overcome inertia and nurture open innovation.Give teams the confidence to take chances: It's critical to have a culture where you know that you're safe to take risks and try new things, which fosters real entrepreneurship.Build an innovation community: In addition to idea exchange and shared learning across the business, we need to encourage mentorship and sponsorship for intrapreneurial employees.Within HP and beyond, I've seen how encouraging employee intrapreneurship can help people unlock the joyful, creative experiences they want most in their careers.
Ultimately, entrepreneurial employees have the passion to make the 'new' happen, powering through hurdles, and inspiring real innovation around them."
Sarah Friar, CEO
"In 2023 there are several important habits that I will cultivate to help me and the Nextdoor team succeed. First, I'll live and work with purpose — finding that space where I can work on what I'm good at, what I'm passionate about, and what the world needs. At Nextdoor, that purpose is to cultivate a kinder world where everyone has a neighborhood they can rely on. This year will bring challenges for many battling recession. Our team has an opportunity to impact communities around the globe by enabling people to discover opportunities nearby, earn and save money, make new connections, and offer help in the neighborhood. Similarly we can help local businesses connect with customers in unique, hyperlocal ways.
Second, I'll keep leading with empathy and transparency at the forefront. Meeting neighbors in real life helps me understand their needs and wants. And by communicating openly and honestly with our organization I can best lead through the volatility that 2023 will no doubt bring."
Cameron Adams, Co-Founder & Chief Product Officer
"In 2023 I would love to read more books. It's a habit that has dropped off as my days have become more full (of work and family), but it's always incredibly inspiring to read the thoughts of others. Novels help me to be inspired creatively and dream of new ideas; non-fiction inspires me to build a better business and help others at work.
Coupled with that I would also love to get back into writing more. It was one of the first ways in which I started to explore my field of expertise, start discussions with others, and — perhaps most importantly — build a fantastic network of like-minded people who gave me opportunities in creative technology and entrepreneurship, so it has always been well worth the investment of time."
Susan Daimler, President
"Constraints force creativity and focus. Which is why in times like this — with budget and resource limitations and for us, an uncertain housing market — I get particularly excited about the work. I want our team constantly asking themselves, 'Am I working on things that can really move the needle and thinking about new ways and approaches to get the work done?' Because, as we head into 2023, we have ambitious goals, a bold vision to digitize the real estate transaction and these are the moments where inspired solutions often emerge."
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