Finding wisdom and compassion with Visiting teachers

Visiting teachers travelled to give courses at KMC Toulouse, KMC Cuernavaca and KMC Bilbao. They taught the path of compassion and wisdom, and how to lead a life of profound purpose.

Finding wisdom and compassion with Visiting teachers


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We spent three very virtuous days this past weekend with the visit of our beloved National Spiritual Director, Gen Kelsang Sangden, at KMC Cuernavaca.

More than 170 people listened to wise advice on how to solve our anger problem and enjoyed the course/retreat How does the world exist? How do I exist? and the prayers Offering to Spiritual Guide with which we celebrate the day when Buddha returned from the land of the 33 Heavens.

We heard powerful teachings on what Buddha called 'ultimate truth'. By practising these teachings, we abandon the problems of anger and attachment, free ourselves from self-grasping, and nurture our indestructible potential to achieve permanent peace.

Thank you very much for joining us!

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