HKEX to relax listing rules for hard-tech companies
Hong Kong hopes to benefit from the geopolitical tensions affecting listing activity in the US, experts suggest.

Hong Kong hopes to benefit from the geopolitical tensions affecting listing activity in the US, experts suggest.

October 11, 2022
Hong Kong’s stock exchange operator, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing HKEX, will propose lower profit requirements for tech companies to list on its bourse under a new Chapter 18C scheme, sources say. It is understood that the exchange is set to publish new draft rules outlining the proposed changes in coming weeks.
The changes form a response to waning market interest in the technology, media, and telecom TMT sector, coupled with the potential for new, developing areas such as deep tech to cater to investor demand, explained a capital markets expert. The source was directly involved in various industry consultation processes relating to the proposal, but wished to remain...
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